A. Introduction and Background

  1. Introduction:

           The goal of the project is to design and build a five-bar slotted slider mechanism. The mechanism includes five bars, which are four linkages and a slider; one linkage is a slotted linkage that allows the fixed point O2 to move along the linkage. The second linkage ( the first linkage is ground) connects to a DC motor to rotate around fixed pointed O1. There is a circuit using an Arduino connected with the DC motor to control the input angular velocity.

        2. Background:

            Unlike four-bar mechanisms, five-bar mechanisms are not widely used in industrial applications because of their difficulty in synthesizing. However, five-bar slider mechanisms are the exception. There are many applications of the five-bar mechanism, and the quick return mechanism is that kind of application. A quick return mechanism is a mechanism where the reciprocation motion in forwarding stroke is slower than the returning stroke [1]. Quick return mechanism is used in machine tools, like shaper machine for flattening the workpiece; other applications are screw press, mechanical actuator, or rotary combustion internal engine.[2] The five-bar slotted slider mechanism is one type of the quick return mechanism, which has the same behavior as the quick return mechanism: the forwarding stroke is slower than the return stroke.