Paying Service Providers

The University handles payments for services much differently than payments for goods. Please follow the directions below for your corresponding service provider payment. Remember: any/all service providers for your club are independent contractors (not employees).

New Vendor / Never worked a UT Club Event and Not in the UT System

  1. At least 14 days PRIOR TO YOUR EVENT, the Sport Club should submit the a purchase request with all the vendor information.

    1. If vendor is a business: Email Sport Club staff a copy of the vendor's W-9. If the vendor is willing, we can send the University's Docusign Direct Deposit Authorization Form

    2. If vendor is an individual: Sport Club staff will set up the vendor to complete the University's Docusign Payee Info Form (PIF) with a copy of their Driver’s License. 

      1. Paper and/or Emailed forms are NOT accepted. Only DocuSign may be used due to security purposes.

      2. Individual/Entity will be asked to complete the University's Docusign Direct Deposit Authorization Form; this is not required, but if not set up, payment may be take longer to be received

  2. Once approved, Sport Club staff will communicate with your club that the vendor(s) may render services for club event(s).

    1. If not approved, vendor may not render services as payment to vendor will not be made. 

  3. After event, the vendor must submit an invoice for their services. The club can send the Invoice Submission Form to the vendor so that the vendor can submit an invoice for payment. Alternatively, if the vendor has a system to create their own invoices, their invoice can be sent to Sport Club staff for processing.

  4. An Authorized Rep from the club confirms the accuracy of the invoice submitted by the vendor.

  5. Sport Club Office submits invoice for payment to Accounting, to be paid within 30 days.

  6. Payment is processed from the Student Org and/or the Donation Account, in Net 30 terms. Allocation funds cannot be used to pay for service providers.

Returning Individual already in the UT System

  1. At least 14 days PRIOR TO YOUR EVENT, the Sport Club should submit the a purchase request with all the vendor information.

    1. If the vendor has moved, we will need the club to confirm previous address with vendor.

  2. Once approved, Sport Club staff will communicate with your club that the vendor(s) may render services for club event(s).

    1. If not approved, vendor may not render services as payment to vendor will not be made. 

  3. After event, the vendor must submit an invoice for their services. The club can send the Invoice Submission Form to the vendor so that the vendor can submit an invoice for payment. Alternatively, if the vendor has a system to create their own invoices, their invoice can be sent to Sport Club staff for processing.

  4. An Authorized Rep from the club confirms the accuracy of the invoice submitted by the vendor.

  5. Sport Club Office submits invoice for payment to Accounting, to be paid within 30 days.

  6. Payment is processed from the Student Org and/or the Donation Account, in Net 30 terms. Allocation funds cannot be used to pay for service providers.

Please contact Sport Club Staff at with any questions or concerns.