Travel Accommodations

As is the case for all sport club official business, there are University policies and procedures in place that play into how we book/reserve our travel needs. The chart below will help you determine how to book logistics for your trip. We also urge you to review the "Types of Purchases" section of UTSCA Finance for additional information. A Travel Request and any Purchase Requests must be submitted before booking any of these logistics.



Booking Processes

A Travel Request and any Purchase Requests must be submitted before booking any of these logistics.


Booking Process

Can I book this myself?



Booking Process

Can I book this myself?



Concur (University Staff)

Travel Card

Anthony Travel


Must be done through University Staff

  • Communicate with your advisor as soon as your club is ready to book (recommend 4 months).

  • For groups of 10 or more, Sport Club Staff will submit a Travel Request Form through the University's approved travel agency, "Anthony Travel".

Charter Bus

Anthony Travel


Must be done through University Staff

  • Communicate with your advisor as soon as your club is ready to book (recommend 4 months).

  • Sport Club Staff will email your request to "Anthony Travel" to review quotes and determine final vendor for trip.

  • Sport Club is responsible for any overnight lodging costs associated with charter bus driver.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Direct Link


Must be done through University Staff

  • Communicate with your advisor as soon as your club is ready to book (recommend 1 month).

  • Sport Club Staff will approve your purchase request with a comment to set up an appointment to book the vehicles.

Overnight Lodging

Direct booking through hotel, or Signed Hotel Agreement


Must be done through University Staff

  • Communicate with your advisor as soon as your club is ready to book (recommend 4 months).

We encourage clubs to begin their search for travel accommodations on Google or other web search engines that specialize in travel to obtain price estimates. But it is important to remember that we must conduct final purchasing and reservations through the approved University methods described above. UT Austin has negotiated rates and policies with Anthony Travel that protects University funds from various terms such as non-refundable transactions, state of Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax, and more. University funds cannot be used for purchases directly with airlines and hotels nor with third-party services such as Travelocity or Expedia. Club Travel Cards will not be used for these pre-travel booking needs.

Travel Card

Every trip requires to the use of the travel pouch with your sport club's Citibank Student Group Credit Card. Authorized Representatives can use Bookings to schedule pre and post travel meetings. For travel-related expenses, each Sport Club has been issued a Travel Card to handle transactions during a trip. After your trip you must schedule an appointment to return the travel binder, with the credit card and accompanying receipts of pre-approved purchases, no later than 48 hours of your return. Remember, receipts must not show items purchased with tax, or any credits, and must be itemized. Failure to turn in receipts will jeopardize your future usage of the travel credit card. If the card is stolen, you must immediately notify the Sport Club Staff. If it is not working properly (i.e. declined) follow the instructions in your binder and call Sport Club Staff.

Overnight Lodging

Your Authorized Representatives are in charge of coordinating the overnight lodging/housing location for your club. All clubs are required to use the University booking tool (Concur) OR book directly with the hotel for securing overnight stay (no third party). Contact your primary advisor several weeks before your trip to follow University procedures for booking hotel rooms or other forms of lodging. Sport Clubs are prohibited from using third-party services such as Travelocity or Expedia for overnight lodging.

Bring back an itemized receipt that reflects the room rate, and other expenses, per room. If within the State of Texas, state hotel occupancy taxes cannot be charged. Make sure you have a tax exemption form within your binder to present to the hotel prior to them giving you the final bill.

Lodging - Hotel Receipt Example
Lodging - Hotel Receipt Example

If you are booking a hotel that will cost greater than $4,500.00, please see the Sport Club Staff. Accommodations (hotel/motel) for four to a room is the maximum allowed. Exceptions will be made when male/female ratios make this impossible or when coaches travel with the Club, they may have a separate room. The card WILL NOT be used for incidental charges that may occur during the stay. Make an appointment via Bookings to arrange the use of the club travel card or Concur for your lodging. You must present the Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate at all hotel stays in Texas.

Methods of Travel


If planning a trip outside of the state of Texas, it is strongly recommended that clubs use charter/commercial air carriers for official Sport Club travel. All travel paid for with University money must be purchased through the University's official travel agency, Anthony Travel. In order to do so, schedule a meeting with your primary advisor so they can request the quote from Anthony Travel. Please allow a month to receive a quote and complete booking.

If a Sport Club wishes to book its own airfare and not use Anthony Travel, it must do so with members paying for their own flights.

Charter Bus

If planning a trip outside of the state of Texas or in large groups, it is strongly recommended that clubs use chartered bus for official Sport Club travel. For clubs who wish to use a charter bus with their University funds, it must be booked through Anthony Travel. In order to do so, schedule a meeting with your primary advisor so they can request the quote from Anthony Travel. Please allow a month to receive a quote and complete booking.

When you reserve a chartered bus, you will need to provide an itinerary for the trip at least two weeks in advance.

See example below:


Sport Clubs are prohibited from using 12 or 15 passenger vans for any University-related travel. For special transportation accommodations, contact the Sport Club Staff. All drivers must be verified by the office.

Personal Vehicles

Use of personal vehicles is NOT recommended for official Sport Club travel. The driver's personal liability insurance will be responsible for covering any liability that may result from the use of their personal vehicle for the proposed travel. Driver(s) must be approved through the University to transport other UT club members in their personal vehicles.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Agreement

Sport Clubs are permitted to rent vehicles through Enterprise via the Texas System agreement. Drivers must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid State of Texas driver’s license and be an approved driver through UT. Clubs will use a direct link provided by Sport Club Staff to reserve their vehicles online. All rental cars reserved using the provided Enterprise will be DIRECT BILLED to Recreational Sports. DO NOT USE THE TRAVEL CARD TO PAY FOR RENTAL VEHICLE FEES/CHARGES!

Loss Damage Waiver and Liability Insurance are included in the contract rate. All rentals, except trucks, include unlimited miles on the contract rate. Clubs are responsible to fill gas tank before drop-off. Clubs are responsible for all toll fees. Return rental vehicles no later than 24 hours after your return back to Austin

Daily Enterprise Rates

Please use the provided daily rates below to obtain a cost estimate for your trip planning. You can use these numbers to create purchase requests related to rentals.


Estimated Rental Rates (Texas Locations)

Estimated Rental Rates (Texas Locations)



Daily Rate

Weekly Rate

















Full Size




Midsize SUV




Standard SUV




Full Size SUV








Standard Pickup




1/2 Ton Pickup




Rates do not include taxes and fees, which vary by pickup location.

Fuel for Vehicles

All sport clubs are provided a club travel card. This card should be utilized for travel expenses such as lodging and fuel. Sport Clubs may not make purchases with the intent of University reimbursement without the prior approval of Sport Club Staff. The reimbursement process is painstakingly long and avoidable. Plan ahead for gas stations and if absolutely necessary, carry petty cash for individual gas reimbursements. Only in an emergency will reimbursements be considered, and the emergency should be communicated to Sport Club Staff during a trip.



Please contact Sport Club Staff at with any questions or concerns.