Organization Description [Spanish]

MADS Element: note

Element DefinitionGeneral textual information relating to an organization.
AILLA DefinitionAny contextual information (in Spanish) about this organization that might be important to the historical record.
Form option


Form Required?Recommended
AILLA Required?Recommended
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core
TypeDefines the data as biographical/historicalĀ  about the organizationbiographical/historicalmads:note[@type="biographical/historical"]to be added
LanguageName of the language with the correct iso639-3 character codespamads:note[@lang="spa"]to be added

<note type="biographical/historical" lang="spa">Repositorio digital de recursos de multimedia en y sobre las lenguas indĆ­genas de latinoamĆ©rica. AILLA es fundado por la Universidad de Texas en Austin y por becas de la National Endowment for the Humanities y laĀ  National Science Foundation.</note>