Date modified

MODS Element: originInfo

Element DefinitionInformation about the origin of the resource, including place of origin or publication, publisher/originator, and dates associated with the media file.
AILLA Definition
The last date that the record was modified.
Form option

None (auto-populated)

Form Required?Required (auto-populated)
AILLA Required?Required (auto-populated)
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core
Event type

Defines the type of origin information

will auto-generate "Provenance"

provenancemods:originInfo[@eventType="provenance"]to be added

Date modified


The date of modification of the media file (if any)

 mods:originInfo/mods:dateModifiedto be added
XML (if modified)

<originInfo eventType="production">



XML (if unmodified)

<originInfo eventType="provenance">

