Collection Countries**

MODS Element: originInfo

Element DefinitionInformation about the origin of the collection, including place of origin or publication, publisher/originator, and dates associated with the resource
AILLA Definition A designation of the country or countries in which the collection materials were collected or created.
Form option

Country / País  = autosuggest free text field menu

Form Required?Recommended
AILLA Required?Required
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core
Event typeIdentifies production as the auto filled value for the event of origin for the collectionProductionmods:originInfo[@eventType="production"] 



Name of the place(s) associated with the production origin of the collection

Place term


Contains the place(s) of production origin of the collection mods:place/mods:placeTerm 
TypeIndicates the language(s) of the collection in textual formtextmods:placeTerm[@type="text"]to be added
AuthoritySupplies the name of the authoritative list used for the controlled vocabulary/valuesaillaCountrymods:placeTerm[@authority="aillaCountry"]to be added
URI@valueURI="URI of Country object" is flag for some automation process to insert the URI of the corresponding Country object[@valueURI="URI of Country object"]
to be added

<originInfo eventType="production">


        <placeTerm type="text" authority="aillaCountry" valueURI=""/>



** Country entry on Collection and Resource levels differ and are not the same entry. **