Source note

MODS Element: note

Element DefinitionGeneral textual information relating to a resource.
AILLA DefinitionThis is a name or ID that AILLA staff take off of a tape, notebook, filename, etc. to help the depositor keep track of what s/he has submitted. There is no schema that determines this ID, and it could be a number or free text, depending on what the depositors gave us. The original might have been analog or born-digital.
Form option

Source Note / Nota Sobre la Fuente = text

Form Required?Recommended
AILLA Required?Optional
Subelement/Attribute NameDefinition/DescriptionExamplesXPath SyntaxDublin Core
TypeDefines a depositor provided ID (which is taken off the original source by AILLA staff) that links this digital resource to the original source (analog or born-digital) source note

mods:note[@type="source note"]

to be added

<note type="source note">Source Note</note>