Faculty Resources


Faculty Annual Review/ Evaluations

Faculty Directory/ Profiles

Graduate Studies Committee and Subcommittees 





Fill out the online Travel Request form (this is your RTA)

  1. If you are presenting and would like to apply for the Faculty Travel Grant (FTG) funds, you should apply online through the Awards System. [Your travel grant is not approved until you receive a confirmation email from Graduate School and your FTG must be submitted/approved before travel begins to receive funding.]
  2. Make your air reservation through Anthony Travel (preferred travel services provider for UT). Provide them these details:
    1. RTA number
    2. VE5 document ID
    3. Travel Dates 
    4. Travel Destination(s)

University Resources

The UT Faculty Resource Page has lists of links related to: Teaching, Working at UT, Research Support, Student Support, IT Tools & Support, Policies, Getting Around, Life on Campus, Getting Involved, Health & Wellness, Sports & Recreation, Safety & Security

Official UT Forms