Termination and Offboarding - Faculty

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Termination process

Please make sure separating faculty are aware of the timeline for termination of their accesses to UT systems, and that they take any needed action prior to their end date. See the Systems access sub-section on this page. Please refer any questions to ITO.

For all types of termination of employment of tenured, tenure-track, and professional-track faculty, complete the following:

  1. Submit COE Offboarding form: COE: Offboarding

  2. Share the following resources with separating faculty member:

    1. HR: Employee Separation Checklist

    2. COE: Termination and Offboarding > Systems access, which includes time-sensitive information about accesses to UT systems and resources

  3. Prior to processing the termination in Workday, end any additional employment via Workday: End Job for Faculty and Academic Staff WIG in Workday.

  4. Follow appropriate Workday guidance at Workday: Termination

    1. If separating faculty member has endowments, see additional guidance on this page at Faculty with endowments.

    2. If separating faculty member is involved in Sponsored Projects at UT, see additional guidance on this page at Faculty involved in sponsored projects.

  5. Follow the relevant additional required processes described below, depending on termination type.

  6. Complete all relevant tasks listed at HR: Separation Process

  7. Process any leave payments due. See HR: Time Off Payment(s)

    1. Workday processing instructions: Workday: Payouts at Termination or Loss of Leave Eligibility WIG

    2. For troubleshooting, see Workday: Common Issues to Avoid when Processing a Payout

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Additional required processes by termination type

Contract non-renewal - professional-track faculty only

In general, professional-track faculty who will not be reappointed should be given written notice no later than 30 days prior to the end of their appointment, according to UT System's Rule 31002: Notice of Nonrenewal to Nontenured Faculty Members. Notice templates are available at FA/APS ServiceNow: Knowledge > Professional-Track Titles, Contract Terms, and Renewal Guidelines. Department chairs and AMs may wish to consult with the COE Assistant Director for Faculty Affairs prior to taking action on non-renewal.


  1. Department provides written notification to the faculty member using the appropriate template at FA/APS ServiceNow: Knowledge > Professional-Track Titles, Contract Terms, and Renewal Guidelines.

  2. After the faculty has been notified that they will not be reappointed, the Academic HR Partner should process the Termination in Workday. A copy of the written notification including effective end date of the appointment should be attached to the business process. See COE: Managing Professional Track Faculty in Workday > Terminate.

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Phased Retirement

See COE: Phased Retirement

Note: Due to required integrations with various benefits systems, Phased Retirees are unable to access their email account for 24-28 hours after their regular faculty appointment ends. The phased retiree appointment will be finalized upon completion of the benefits integration.

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Upon deciding to resign from the university, faculty members should submit either a letter or email to their department chair stating their intent to resign with an effective date. The department chair must officially accept the resignation in writing through either an email or letter. The acceptance must confirm the effective resignation date. Letters should be signed and dated.

Resignation effective dates

Faculty may resign voluntarily from the University at any time. Standard resignation dates are 12/31, 5/15 or 8/15. Faculty members who work in the spring are eligible for active employee insurance coverage through 8/15. If a faculty member chooses to be terminated on 5/15, then their insurance will end on that day. For that reason, a faculty member may prefer instead to resign effective 8/15 if their situation allows.


  1. If the resigning faculty member is tenured or tenure-track, the department should notify COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu of the proposed effective date as soon as possible.

  2. Copies of the resignation letter and department chair's acceptance should be sent by the primary department to all other departments or centers where the faculty have concurrent appointments, including courtesy or zero percent time appointments.

  3. After the department has received both the resignation letter and department chair's acceptance, the Academic HR Partner should process the Termination in Workday. The resignation letter and chair's acceptance should be attached to the business process.

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See COE: Retirement - Faculty.

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Terminal appointment - tenure-track faculty only

Tenure-track faculty who are denied promotion during their mandatory review are appointed for a final terminal year, of which they are notified during the promotion process. After the terminal year the faculty member will be removed from the budget and the funds released.

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Eligibility to serve on graduate committees

See Graduate School: Advancing to Doctoral Candidacy > Forming the Dissertation Commitee.

In the event that a GSC member of a dissertation committee resigns from the university, an additional current GSC member must be added to the committee. A former faculty member may remain on the dissertation committee, but will assume status as an outside committee member.


COE: Retirement - Faculty > Eligibility to serve on graduate committees

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Faculty involved in sponsored projects

If a faculty member is involved in sponsored projects/research, the Terminate business process will prompt the Complete Termination Questionnaire for Faculty sub-process. The Termination Questionnaire will request the information about the status of their awards listed below. Please consult your research administrator.

PI questionnaire.jpg

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Faculty with endowments

For faculty members with endowments, APS will end the endowment in VIP as part of their review of the termination BP. The endowment end in VIP will then push to Workday and end the associated endowment in Workday.

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Systems access



See ServiceNow > What Happens to My UT Box Account When I Leave the University?

Users should download any personal content they wish to retain before they leave the university. 

When an active student, staff, or faculty member leaves the university their access to UT Box, along with a number of other services, will be restricted. 

  • All content stored by that individual will be escrowed for 30 days. 

  • Any content that has been shared with others will still be recoverable for 30 days.

  • Co-owners and collaborators of files are encouraged to make a local copy before the end of the 30-day period. 

  • If the individual does not return as an active student, staff, or faculty member before the end of 30-day period the associated content will be destroyed.


See ServiceNow: Knowledge > Communication and Collaboration > Email and Collaboration Services > Office 365 Mailbox Creation and Lifecycle.

When an employee separates from the University and is no longer eligible for a mailbox, the user will immediately lose access and a 30-day countdown begins, after which the mailbox will be deprovisioned (user access will be removed from University systems). Should the account regain mailbox eligibility at any time during this period, the deprovisioning process will end and the user will regain access. Deprovisioning notices are sent to the mailbox owner's official University address and their manager, if applicable. Notices are sent when the mailbox is first marked for deprovisioning, with reminders mailed at various intervals.

Accounts with Office 365 mailboxes are checked regularly for mailbox eligibility.

In some situations, a temporary “EML” mailbox entitlement may be granted to recent former employees who have lost eligibility, but who have not yet surpassed the 30-day countdown described above. Please contact the COE ITO team for requests and assistance at help@education.utexas.edu.

UT email for retirees

See COE: Retirement - Faculty > UT email for retirees

Office 365

In accordance with section 4.1 of the Information Resources Use and Security Policy, when an employee’s affiliation changes to “Former Faculty,” they are no longer eligible for access to any UT Office 365 components including email and OneDrive. Individuals who are no longer eligible for Office 365 have 30 days from the end date of their employment in which to request the contents of their account, after which their accounts and the contents of those accounts (email, etc.) will be permanently deleted. UT System currently requires unaffiliated accounts be purged quarterly per UTS165 Standards. Former Faculty can request that the contents of their mailbox be exported and sent in a .pst file before they leave the university by emailing help@its.utexas.edu.

Workday access

See askUS: Duration of Worker Access to Workday.

Former employees retain access to Workday for two years after their termination date. Workday access is not removed for Retirees.

To ensure that any University communications are received, it is important that both current and former employees keep their contact information current in Workday. Instructions on updating contact information are available at Edit Personal Information - WIG.


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Please send suggested additions to this page and notifications about broken links to COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu.