Entertainment/OOEF Policy

General information

Refer to the Handbook of Business Procedures 9.1.1 “Entertainment and Official Occasion Expenses” and the Entertainment and Official Occasions Expenditure Policy Chart which includes allowable sources of funds and dollar limits for entertainment expenses.

All Official Occasion Expense Forms (OOEFs) must be signed by the authorized signer on the account being used or a designated signer.  If you are submitting a digitally signed OOEF, the Dean's Office must be able to validate the digital signature.

College of Education limits

Regardless of amount, units must seek pre-approval by submitting an OOEF before the event if they plan to:

    • Exceed the college limit for a faculty recognition event or staff activity or gathering OR
    • Schedule a team-building or staff activity event OR
    • Pay extra costs to meet a food/beverage minimum

Individual faculty recognition events or staff activity or gathering

      • $2,000

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