Teaching Jobs - Summer 2024

Table of Contents

COE summer teaching job policy

See COE Faculty Summer Assignments Policy 2024.pdf on Box (restricted access).

Compensation - summer teaching assignments

COE policy: $9,000 cap per course; faculty earning less than $54,000 will be prorated below that amount.  If a class is co-taught, then the total compensation cannot exceed $9,000 per class. For example, if teaching duties are shared by two faculty members 50/50, then each faculty member receives $4,500. 

Required Workday business process comments

  • Unique course ID of class being taught. If a course has multiple unique ID numbers (i.e., is cross-listed), only one is needed in the comments.  

  • Instructional Overload approval:
    • If a faculty member teaches two courses during different sessions (for instance, one in first session and the other in second session), note department chair’s approval in the Workday business process comments, including date of approval
      • Example: "Teaching two classes in the summer approved by Chair Name on MM/DD/YYYY"

    • If a faculty member teaches two classes in the same summer session, Dean’s approval is required in addition to Chair’s approval – both noted in the Workday business process comments, including date of approval.
      • Example: "Teaching two classes in the first summer session approved by Chair Name on MM/DD/YYYY and Dean Name on MM/DD/YYYY"

  • For co-taught courses, comments should indicate the proportion of the split (e.g. 50/50), and the name of the faculty member teaching the other part.

Option III

See Summer Employment - Faculty#Faculty-OptionIII.

First and Nine-Week Summer Sessions

1) Run RPT0806 (sup org) or RPT0274 (worker) to find summer academic pay rates. (DO NOT use compensation tab in Workday.) 

    For faculty appointed at less than 100% FTE, be sure to use the non-prorated annual rate. See example below.

2) Process as usual, with FTE calculated according to the COE salary cap. Be sure that you are using the Faculty Summer Job Costing Tool created specifically for summer 2024: Faculty Summer Job Costing Tool - Summer 2024 ONLY.xlsx

    For guidance, see Faculty Summer Jobs Process Overview Summer 2024.docx on Box.

  • First session dates: 6/1-7/15
  • Nine-Week session dates: 6/1-7/31

One-Time Payment (OTP) for first and nine-week summer sessions

See COE: Additional Employment and Allowances > Instructional Overload > Summer process.

All summer compensation should be paid via Additional Job as long as Scheduled Weekly Hours are available. Payment for first and nine-week summer course instruction can be processed as a One-Time Payment if both of the following are true:

a) Scheduled Weekly Hours are maxed at 40 for all dates during that session.

b) The salary cap has not been met.


1) Subtract the sum of allocations for all Additional Jobs for the course from the salary cap to find the amount still owed.

2) Add the One-Time Payment information to a row on the department summer spreadsheet. Use "First/Nine-Week Teaching OTP MM/DD-MM/DD" for Job Title, and put amount in the Allocation field. For OTP, all other fields in that row are optional.

3) Process a One-Time Payment request for the remainder with compensation plan "Instructional Overload." Use teaching appointment dates for service dates, and set payment date as the last day of the teaching appointment. 

  • In the Workday business process, add comments detailing all payments for the course.
  • Example: First summer session Additional Job processed for 6/1-7/15, for allocation of $8,218. Due to a concurrent research commitment, only 16 SWH is available for this teaching job. OTP will bring faculty member up to $9k salary cap for this course.

4) Upload the department spreadsheet to the Workday business process.

Second and Whole Summer Sessions

Due to the academic calendar date shift effective in fall 2024, teaching sessions that formerly ended 8/31 (second session and whole-summer session) will be processed in summer 2024 with new end dates:

  • Second session dates: 7/16-8/15
  • Whole summer session dates: 6/1-8/15

The usual stipend for both second and whole summer sessions will need to be paid over a period abbreviated by two weeks, with no change to the summer 2024 salary cap policy. 

If the proposed FTE would exceed 100% for the new second summer session dates, process a One-Time Payment (OTP) on the summer Add Job to cover the difference. See guidance on One-Time Payments at the bottom of this page.

Adding second/whole summer session jobs to department spreadsheet

1) Run RPT0806 (sup org) or RPT0274 (worker) to find summer academic pay rates. (DO NOT use compensation tab in Workday.) 

    For faculty appointed at less than 100% FTE, be sure to use the non-prorated annual rate. See example below.

2) Enter second session or whole summer session teaching info on department faculty summer employment spreadsheet on Box, using the following dates:

  • Second session: 7/16-8/15
  • Whole session: 6/1-8/15

Follow the appropriate example below:

Last name,
First Name
Job Title -
One line per Add Job
ActivityCourse unique
Start dateEnd dateTotal Base Pay -
(9-mo. rate)
Allowance plan
Summer rate -
monthly (total)
Venkman, PeterSecond session teaching 7/16-8/15NTTTeaching - 2nd session2345607/1608/15$54,000.00$0$6,000.00
Venkman, PeterWhole session teaching 6/1-8/15NTTTeaching - 12 week9876506/0108/15$54,000.00$0$6,000.00

3) Using a per-course salary cap of $9,000, calculate SWH/FTE and allocation values for the spreadsheet. Be sure that you are using the Faculty Summer Job Costing Tool created specifically for summer 2024: Faculty Summer Job Costing Tool - Summer 2024 ONLY.xlsx

A) If Academic Summer Monthly Rate is $8,808 or less:

1. Use the Faculty Summer 2024 Job Costing Tool (JCT), middle side calculator ("Convert Known Amounts to Dollars or Percent").

      • Enter Monthly Rate
      • Enter Scheduled Weekly Hours available, up to 40.
      • Begin Date: 7/16
      • End Date: 8/15
      • See example below:

2. Enter the Allocation Amount on the spreadsheet:

3. Since hours are maxed at 40 SWH, but the salary cap has not been met due to the condensed service period for second session, a One-Time Payment will be needed.

      • Find amount of One-Time Payment: ($9,000 salary cap) - ($6,130.43 paid via Add Job with SWH) = $2,869.57.
      • Enter OTP and amount on spreadsheet:

4. See section One-Time Payments (OTP) - second and whole summer sessions only on this page for next steps.

B) If Academic Summer Monthly Rate is $8,809 or more

Depending on the number of Scheduled Weekly Hours the faculty member has available, the salary cap may be met within the 40 SWH limit and condensed service period of 7/16-8/15, in which case an additional One-Time Payment may not be needed.

1. Use the Faculty Summer 2024 Job Costing Tool (JCT), bottom side calculator ("Calculating Scheduled Weekly Hours Based on Known Funds").

      • Begin Date: 7/16
      • End Date: 8/15
      • Allocation Amount: $9,000 (salary cap)
      • See example below:

      2. Find SWH and/or allocation values to complete spreadsheet.
      • If the resulting number of Scheduled Weekly Hours are both available in the faculty member's schedule and under 40 (FTE under 100%), enter on the spreadsheet.

      • If the resulting number of Scheduled Weekly Hours are NOT available in the faculty member's schedule (i.e. concurrent appointments would put their total SWH in excess of 40 at any time during 7/16-8/15), recalculate following the instructions for "A) If Academic Summer Monthly Rate is $8,808 or less" above, using the middle calculator and entering SWH available.

One-Time Payments (OTP) for second and whole summer sessions


The principle behind issuing additional stipends (OTPs) in these cases is that faculty members teaching the second or whole sessions should receive their guaranteed stipend amount for their summer job(s). Summer 2024 is two weeks shorter than our historical summers and sessions do not necessarily align with the summer teaching schedule. Processing OTPs will ensure faculty teaching the second and whole sessions are compensated appropriately for the agreed upon terms of their summer job(s).


If payment is owed due to the abbreviated time period related to the academic calendar date shift, process an OTP with the details below.

  • Payment date: 8/15/2024
  • Coverage dates: 8/16-31/2024 (confirmed with APS 5/14/2024)
  • OTP Plan: Academic Activities
  • Required comments (copy and paste into Workday BP): August employment dates are condensed due to transition to new academic appointment calendar. OTP will bring faculty member up to $9k salary cap for this course.

Canvas and Registrar systems access for professional-track faculty

Professional-track faculty who are working in the summer but are not continuing into the fall term will be inactivated in Workday at the end of their summer appointment on 8/15. Some summer classes and final exams, however, will occur after this date, which could create access problems for faculty who need to finish their courses.

Required department actions:

1) Once all summer teaching assignments have been documented on the department's faculty summer appointment spreadsheet, departments should make note of all faculty teaching in the second or whole summer session but are not continuing in the fall. These faculty will no longer have access to Canvas or the Registration Systems after 8/15 and will be unable to enter grades.

2) On 8/16, quickly add privileges in Workday for the faculty noted above. This will give the faculty member a “current” EID that will allow them to access Canvas. Since privileges can only be assigned once an appointment becomes inactivated, please be proactive in identifying any faculty who may fall into this category. For instructions, see step 11 of the Inactivate NTT Faculty WIG. For additional guidance, see Privileges Available for Nonemployees and Inactive Faculty.

3) Professional-track faculty who taught second or whole summer session, but will not teach in fall 2024, should be either terminated or inactivated with appropriate updates to privileges, effective 8/31.

Note that if their current FERPA compliance is expired, inactive faculty (with or without privileges) will be unable to submit grades. Department chairs will have to submit grades on behalf of inactive faculty, when needed.

Please send suggested additions to this page and notifications about broken links to COE-FacultyAffairs@austin.utexas.edu.