Overview - Moody Web
Leverington, Charles R
Tyler Fahey
Mabley, Kathleen M
I. Overview
The University of Texas at Austin proudly uses the Open Source project Drupal for almost all Content Management Systems (CMS) throughout the campus. Likewise, the Moody College of Communication proudly hosts our servers entirely on a Drupal-based mainframe using the ITS UT Web service.
Drupal is an established and full-featured platform over fifteen years old, with well-known corporate and federal adopters such as whitehouse.gov and UT Austin itself.
Moody College has customized components available for use - to read more, check out our user guide: https://webusersguide.moody.utexas.edu/. If you are interested in help with user experience design and content strategy, please submit a request here.
II. Background
The Moody College of Communication hosts six core websites and many subsites.
Core Sites
- Moody College of Communication
- Department of Communication Studies
- Department of Radio-Television-Film
- Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
- Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations
- School of Journalism and Media
Centers, Institutes, Programs, Labs, Projects, Conferences, Student Work & More
The Moody College of Communication has many additional websites. The most recent sites available can be found through www.moody.utexas.edu.