Computer Management at the Moody College and UT - Spring 2023

Computer Management at the Moody College and UT - Spring 2023

The Moody College has used Ivanti End Point Management (previously LANDesk) for computer management needs in the college for years but we are shifting to tools mandated by the Information Security Office on campus.  
The mandate from the Information Security Office and the UT IT Leadership Council can be referenced here: https://it.utexas.edu/projects/epm/overview

Jamf and MECM

Jamf is the management tool of choice for Apple computers and iOS devices.

Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM) is the solution for Windows on campus.   

Both Jamf and MECM provide inventory asset management, patch compliance and remote support services.  They report centrally but are managed locally by Moody College IT staff. 


Nessus is another software component that has been mandated and which we have been deploying for some time.  The majority of Moody systems have this software but there are a few more to go.  Nessus provides a snapshot of the various versions of software installed across campus and serves as an early warning detection system for the Information Security Office to help identify vulnerabilities.  

All new computers get Nessus and either Jamf or MECM. 

Operating system updates

In some cases, the above tools, Nessus, Jamf and MECM will require us to implement operating system updates if the computer is particularly old and in need.   OS updates can be a lengthy process and so a specific scheduled time to get that accomplished may be needed.  We can usually get these done in 30 minutes to an hour and can arrange over lunch breaks or other times when you'll be away from your computer. 

Computer renaming and scanning for annual inventory

To help with central IT efforts, we need to make slight changes to the way computers are named so that our reporting in central systems is accurate and matches the rest of campus. As part of our efforts to get your computer updated with the latest management software above, we will be making the name change to your computer. We will also be scanning UT tags for annual inventory if your device hasn't been found yet. 

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