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Request TimelyCare full visit notes

How to request TimelyCare full visit notes for encounters prior to 11/15/2023

TimelyCare visit notes are uploaded in PNC (PNC chart> Scanned Documents or Outside Care, depending on the visit date).
Prior to 11/15/2023, only Care Plan notes were uploaded. After this date, Full Visit Notes are being uploaded daily.

If you need access to the full visit notes from before 11/15/2023, please submit a HITS/Data Team ticket with the following information:
Patient's NAME:
Patient's UT EID:
TimelyCare Visit date(s):
TimelyCare Category (Scheduled Counseling, Talk Now, Psychiatry or Health Coaching) – optional:

For HITS/Data Team only: procedure to upload full visit notes in PNC by request

Requested TimelyCare full visit notes will be uploaded in PNC chart (1) > Scanned Documents (2) within 48 business hours. If you need access to the notes sooner, please specify that in your request.
We will let you know via Teams when your request has been completed.
Full visit notes (3) will be marked as such in the Comments section (5) to distinguish them from the Care Plan notes (4) for the same visit.