Undergraduate Registration Policies

Undergraduate Registration Policies


Restriction/Seat Management Policies

*this section is under construction

Undergraduates Registering for Graduate INF Courses

University policy requires that undergraduate students obtain permission from their home adivsing office before registering for any graduate-level courses. Such permissions are awarded simply be adding the class to the list of “Approved Graduate Uniques” on the Student Registration Information (RR) screen in *NRRECS. Deans offices may use their discretion in awarding such permissions so long as the following three minimum criteria are met:

  1. Student is of upper-division standing and meets the prerequisites for the course.

  2. Student has earned a mimimum GPA of 3.0.

  3. Student has obtained consent from the course instructor.

Aside from these permission requirements, Undergraduate students face three key disadvantages when trying to enroll in graduate INF courses:

  1. Undergraduate registration times generally begin after graduate students have already started registering.

  2. Any graduating undergraduate student who intends to continue on as a graduate student will be classified as a new graduate student in the first semester of the next academic year. As such, their first registration access will not begin until period 2.

  3. The vast majority of INF courses are restricted to Master’s/PhD students in Information Studies through the first two registration periods in any given registration cycle.


4+1 BA/BSI Informatics - MSIS Information Studies Students

To offset some of the disadvantages described above, the iSchool will will reserve up a seat in up to 2 classes each semester for students in our 4+1 MA/BSI-MSIS program. The process for reserving these seats and allowing students to register for them is as follows:

  1. Make sure the iSchool course administrator is up to speed on the current/future cohort of 4+1 students.

  2. Student should consult with their undergradute advisor prior to the first day of registration to confirm which graduate courses they intend to take in the upcoming semeseter.

  3. Once approved, the advisor should add the relevant uniques to the student’s RR screen in NRRECS. *If the student requests more than two classes, please list them in order of preference, with the top being the most preferred.

  4. The iSchool course adminstrator will monitor the registration records and reserve a seat for each 4+1 studetn in the top two classes listed on their respective RR screens prior to period 1 registration.

Terminal Informatics Majors

For any other Informatics students, the process is as follows:

  1. Student should consult with their undergradute advisor to confirm they meet the minimum requirements for enrollment in a graduate course.

    1. upper-division standing

    2. minimum 3.0 GPA

    3. instructor consent

  2. Once approved, the advisor should add the unique to the student’s RR screen in NRRECS.

  3. Advise the student to wait until period 3 registration before attempting to add their requested class. Despite their being a member of our school, master’s students ability to complete their degrees in a timely fashion will always be our top priority when it comes to any INF class.