Unlinked transactions

When a person hits an "r" on the LR6 screen thinking it will reconcile, instead of the "e" that is necessary, it actually reconciles the entry without posting it.  This creates a reconciliation discrepancy and is a situation where the accounting transaction has become unlinked from the department transaction. This transaction can be see by looking at the LRB screen for the given month. Also if you look at the Lr8 screen it is listed as reconciled but there is a "U" listed to the right of the accounting transaction indicated it has been unlinked. 

How to resolve: 

Select the transaction on LRB, then "unlink and reconcile" using the "n" action.  This sends the transaction back to LR2.  Then go to LR2 and select the transaction to expand it.  When the detail appears, hit "e" to enter, which will reconcile and post the transaction, and put the accounts back in balance on LR4.  Be sure to add define codes if needed.