Cash Advance Instructions
Creating the Cash Advance Request:
- Compile all necessary forms into one PDF in this order: Cash Advance Request form, IRB approval letter, screenshot with approval dates, compensation and costs section of the IRB protocol, informed consent form. You may need to convert some forms from word to a PDF (the staff can assist with this).
- Submit your request packet unsigned to After reviewing the request the staff will send to you for signature.
Instructions for Completing the Cash Advance Request Form:
- The recipient must be the PI (faculty member) and not a student. Even if the funds being used are in the name of a student (such as URF awards or COE grants for graduate students) the cash advance needs to be in the name of a faculty member.
- The cash advance must be allowable on the account listed on the request form. There must be sufficient funds in the account at the time of the request (check with the staff if you are not sure).
- The start date must be 10 business days from the date you submit your request.
- If your request is sent back for revisions (example: you need a modification or your request is missing documentation) the start date must be 10 business days from the date you submit the corrected request.
- The end date must be equal to or less than 6 months from the start date, on or before the IRB approval end date, and on or before the account expiration date.
- The screenshot from the IRB website must show that approval is still active.
- The end date on the request form must match what is on the screenshot from the IRB website. Some low-risk IRBs do not have an end date. In this case Common Rule should be written as the IRB approval end date.
- Note: if there is no IRB approval end date, double check that the screenshot you are looking at is for the initial study and not a modification. Modifications do not always show the end date.
- The description of incentive payments from cash advance section must match what is written in the IRB protocol and consent letter. Make sure all math is correct and adds up to the total amount requested.
What to check for on the approval letter:
- Check that the IRB protocol number matches what is on the cash advance request form. Check that the name of study matches the cash advance request form.
What to check for on the screenshot with approval dates:
- Check that the screenshot is for the initial study and not a modification
- Check that the dates match what is on the request form
What to check for on the compensation and costs section of the IRB protocol:
- If the study is hourly, there needs to be a plan for proration. The proration plan should be clearly outlined in both the consent letter and IRB protocol so participants are aware of how much they will be compensated for uneven hourly increments.
- Verify that the type of compensation on the protocol is cash or that Venmo is written in as a compensation method under other. Note that when reconciling the cash advance, a distribution report from Venmo must be included with the receipts.
What to check for on the consent letter:
- Check that the compensation amount on the consent form matches what is on the IRB protocol.
- If there are multiple sessions, participants must be compensated after every session. We do not want to put the burden on the participants to come back and collect funds if they decide to drop out of the study.
Cash Advance Distribution
- The cash advance request must be final approved and sent to the Cash Advance office before beginning to distribute payments (The PI will be copied on the email to the cash advance office)
- Cash advance distribution cannot fall outside of the cash advance start and end date. Note that this is different that the date by which unused funds must be returned to the university. Refer to the cash advance packet for exact dates.
- It is recommended that when you see the email with the approved cash advance packet that you save a copy of this packet for your own records. If students or research staff are involved in compensation please make them aware of the cash advance start and end dates.
Cash Advance Reconciliation
- We have 30 days from the cash advance end date to reconcile the cash advance, but participant payments must be completed on or before the cash advance end date.
- The person who distributed cash advance funds (this could be the PI or their staff or students) must submit receipts showing that the cash advance funds were distributed to participants. For Venmo compensation, a distribution report from Venmo must be included with the receipts.
- If any funds remain on the cash advance, the PI is responsible for reimbursing the university for the unused funds.
- If you have multiple cash advances for the same study, include a copy of the cash advance or amount of the cash advance so the staff can know which cash advance you are reconciling.
- Check receipts for accuracy. If students are distributing payments, it is up to the PI to check receipts for accuracy before they are turned in to the staff.
Guidelines on checking receipts for accuracy:
- Does the name of the study match what was on the request? The IRB protocol number?
- Was the $600 question answered for each participant?
- Did each participant write their name and sign (initial for anonymous studies)
- Are the dates the funds were distributed within the cash advance dates?
- Amount paid must match what was on the cash advance description and IRB protocol. If there were multiple sessions, the participant should sign and be compensated for each session. For participants earing $600 or more from UT (not including paycheck) this means they are filling out multiple forms.
- For the multiple participant receipt form, did the individual disbursing funds print their name and initial on every line of compensation?
- Did the PI sign every multiple participant receipt page?
- For the individual receipt form, did the person disbursing funds print and initial on the bottom of the page?
- On the individual receipt form, the address must be the complete address with a zip code.
See this power point for a visual on checking receipts for accuracy
- If funds were distributed through Venmo check that the distribution report from Venmo matches the receipts. Check that Venmo was checked as a compensation method on the IRB protocol that was submitted with the cash advance. If not, we need something from IRB stating that it was okay for the PI to distribute incentives through Venmo (the PI is responsible for obtaining that information, not the staff).
- When everything is correct and complete, turn in the receipts to the 718 staff. You can either drop off a hard copy of your receipts in person or email scans of the receipts to If you have multiple cash advances please make sure it is clear which one you are trying to reconcile.
- The staff will check receipts for accuracy and route the reconciliation packet for signature. The packet routes to the staff, you, and then the Dean’s office. Once signatures have been obtained, the staff will email a copy of the reconciliation packet to the cash advance office. The PI will be copied on this email.
- If there are unused funds the PI is responsible for reimbursing the university. The cash advance office will send instructions on how to return funds to the university once they receive the cash advance reconciliation packet.
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