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How to edit the wiki


This site is visible to the public. Although it is possible to restrict viewing of individual pages, in general it is best to keep sensitive content somewhere else like UTBox.

Please email to request edit permission for this wiki. 

Add a Page

When you create a new page it is added to the site as a sub page below the page you are currently on. It will appear in the left sidebar navigation below the page it was created under.

  • Go to the page you would like your new page to appear under. 
  • Click the Create button at the top of the page.
  • In the popup window keep the default settings or pick a page template and click Create.
  • When you are finished editing your new page click Save at the bottom. You may have to scroll down to see the Save button.

Edit a Page

  • Click the Edit button at the top right of the page to be edited.
  • Click the +Insert dropdown to add images or other types of content.
  • When you are finished editing click Save at the bottom. You may have to scroll down to see the Save button.

Add a PDF or other File to a Page

Upload a PDF (or other file)

  • Go to the wiki page you want to add a file to and click the “…” in the top right corner under your account icon (not the “…” next to Create).
  • Select “Attachments” and choose the file and upload it as an attachment to the page.
  • You can then either add a link or embed the file on the page by following the instructions below.

Add a Link to a PDF

  • Go back to the page and click the “Edit” button.
  • Click in the page where you want to put the file.
  • Type “!” and you get a popup. Choose the file you just uploaded from the popup list.
  • It adds it as a thumbnail by default but you can select the thumbnail and then change it to a text link.

Embed a PDF in a Page

  • If you want to embed a PDF to be able to read it on the page:
  • Go back to the page and click the “Edit” button.
  • Click in the page where you want to put the file.
  • Type “!” and select the “Insert other media” option.
  • Then select the type of file (PDF or whatever). 
  • Select your file and click “Insert”.

This wiki is being replaced by the LBJ School's Zendesk support system. Please go to for the latest information and to request help.