ICE Paramater Files

Access through ICE:

To access and edit HJST parameter files, type one of the following into ICE command line. Exit parameter files with ':wq' to save or exit with ':q' to quit without saving.

Parameter Files:

-ice> epar obspars:

Contains parameters regarding file headings, filters, and focus.

exposure= Accepts float values. Sets maximum exposure time.

imagetyp= Accepts arguments such as 'object' or 'test'. Sets image type.

Note: Test frames will overwrite themselves and will not have a sequence number in their file name.

objectti= Accepts a string. Sets object title in file name.

sequenc= Accepts an integer. Sets sequence number.

Note: The next object will use the sequence number in the parameter file and the sequence number will increase by 1 upon complete integration. If an integration is aborted, the sequence number will NOT increase and may lead to errors if the incomplete file is not deleted from the tonight directory.

-ice> epar detpars:

Contains parameters that influence the detector and it's readout.

firstco= Accepts an integer between 1-2048. Defines the first column in the detector readout.

lastcol= Accepts an integer between 1-2048. Defines the last column in the detector readout.

firstro= Accepts an integer between 1-2048.Defines the first row in the detector readout.

lastrow= Accepts an integer between 1-2048. Defines the last row in the detector readout.

colbin= Accepts an integer between 1-16. Defines the column bin size.

rowbin= Accepts an integer between 1-16. Defines the row bin size.

-ice> epar empars:

Contains parameters regarding the use and configuration of the Exposure Meter.

emenabl= Accepts 'yes' and 'no'. Enables use of E-Meter.

emtotcn= Accepts integer values. Sets the maximum number of counts necessary to stop the integration.

Note: The integration will cease and readout will begin immediately after the target value is exceeded.

embinti= Accepts float values. Sets binning time in seconds.

Note: The shutter speed of the E-Meter sets a lower bound of .2 second binning time.

-ice> epar instrpars:

This file contains parameters that effect the TS2 instrument. It is typically left untouched because the parameters are read directly from the instrument into each .FITS file.

-ice> epar telpars:

Rarely used by observers, this file determines the heading of the .FITS files. Left alone, telpars will automatically populate date, time, weather, and seeing on every detector readout.

-ice> epar dmode:

The script 'dmode' returns 'detpars' parameters to their standard values. Each parameter within 'dmode' has a corresponding parameter within 'detpars' that it overwrites when called.