Question Types


  • Answers must be within 1% of the correct answer and most are at least six digits

    • Unless significant figures, tolerance, or otherwise is denoted in the question

  • If you are allowed multiple submissions you get 7 attempts to get a numeric question correct. Each attempt will be worth less points than the last.

  • If you get a ‘that response has already been entered’ message

    • Use a another way to say the same thing (ie, if used 10^, try e)

    • If you continue get the same response, then the answer is not correct (this is a safeguard so you don’t spend all your tries on one answer).


  • Can use scientific notation in the format of “e” or “x10^”

    • ex: 3.456e11 or 3.456x10^11 ← note the lack of space

  • Can use commas

  • Can write ‘dollars’ or the specified ‘answer in units of ----’ stated in the questions after your numeric answer


  • Can NOT use symbols in solutions (ex: $100)

  • Can NOT use equations or math operations (ex: 5+5)

Algebraic Free Response

  • Answers need to be the exact mathematical equivalent to the correct answer, answers are not case sensitive. Like numeric questions when your instructor allows multiple submissions you will get 7 attempts to correctly answer the question and each attempt is worth less points.

    • ex: X+1 is the same thing as 1+X and 1+x

Using the Function Pallet

  • Your answer must be exact, e.g. π is not the same as 3.14 and 0.3 is not the same as 1/3.

  • When entering any type of argument make sure the argument of the function is surrounded by parenthesis

List of Commonly Used Functions and Their Formats


∞ - inf

e - e

π - pi


sin - sin( )

cos - cos( )

tan - tan( )


csc - csc( )

sec - sec( )

cot - cot( )

ln - ln( )

| | - abs( )

√ - sqrt( )

exponent - ( )^( )

fraction - ( )/( )

Short Answer

  • Provides you with a text-box field to type out your answers.

  • Answers within the short answer text-box field must be exact and written accurately.

  • Short answer questions consist of fill-in-the-blank and keyword questions types.

Multiple Choice

  • A type of question where you select an answer from 2 to 10 choices.

  • Multiple choice questions can be viewed in both PDF (Classic) or Slide view formats.

  • When your instructor allows multiple submissions on a multiple choice question you will have n-1 attempts to get the question correct with n being the total number of answer choices.

  • Select your answer from either the drop-down that corresponds with the question in “Classic” PDF view, or using the bubble next to the answer choice you want to select in slide view.

  • Within both viewing formats, once an answer choices has been selected make sure to click the 'Submit' button to finalize your selection.


  • Multi-Select questions are multiple choice questions where you select all of the answers presented that are correct. They’ll be denoted with ‘Select All That Apply’ above the question.

  • They function just like a Multiple Choice question but more than one answer will be correct and you can choose multiple answer choices in a single submission.




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