
All times are set to your institution's local timezone. If you need to change please reach out to us at questhelp@austin.utexas.edu . Wondering what your current settings are? Look in your course, settings tab, under time zone–after the initial set it is not expected to be malleable here from your view.

When you view your Quest home page it will default to the current Quest semester. If you have no courses in the current semester but you do have courses in an active semester it will default to the most recent semester with courses. You can change semester you are viewing by using the dropdown menu for semesters.


When creating a course make sure you select the appropriate semester. You can create courses up to two semesters in advance in Quest. Students can begin enrolling in courses when a semester gets marked as "Active". Below are the dates for "Active" semesters along with student access dates. 

High School Instructors

Your students will lose access when semesters close, even if you specify an access end date after the close of the semester. We are happy to move any year-long (or multi-year) course to a new semester if you will simply notify us when the time comes.