Iterations of a Question with Number Randomization

For many math and physics questions there is number variation–where the problem pulls from a range of random numbers and provides students the opportunity to work out the problem with their own unique numbers in their instance. If you are interested in creating these problems, please get friendly with the TeX and JS/C type on the editor. If this is something you want to specifically screen for, or against, when composing your assignment, you can do that by using tags.

As you are adding questions to an assignment use tags to filter out what you don't want. Red shadowing means that is not part of the results, so the image below offers only problems that do have number variation, ie more than one unique instance of the question.

If, alternatively, you want only a static version of a question with the same numbers for all students, click > 1 unique instance such that it turns red-the results will provide you questions that meet this requirement.