Direct data entry- from a drawer
- Angella C Thompson
Specify is a complex database, but we've put together a couple of workflows to help our experienced volunteers enter data directly into Specify. This is a simplified data entry process, but it still gets all the important information into the database in a timely manner. This workflow assumes you've already moved the drawer you've been assigned to inventory to a safe, flat surface near your computer.
One of the first things you'll need to do is import a query. The Simple Inventory query is attached to this page, so you can just download the file, save it to your desktop and then import it following the steps outlined here. (right click on the link and click 'open in a new tab' so you don't lose your place!)
To run the query just enter the 4 digit drawer number in the last slot of the Simple Inventory query and hit search.
The query results tab will open up, populated with all the catalog numbers that are in the database for that drawer. Without highlighting a record, click the open records icon, which looks like a grey square with the letters 'abc'.
Once the records open, look towards the bottom of the window just above the tabs- here's your navigation tools.
Simple Inventory query for download
(clicking the link will download this query to the download folder on your computer)
You'll need to think of a way to keep the specimens in order- as you check the database record against the label to confirm the data, you'll want to track what you've checked vs. what you haven't. This gets to be important in the cases where Specify says you should have 34 specimens in a drawer, but you count 47! Some people use scraps of colored paper, some reorganize the drawer- whatever works best for you.
Now. Fist, put the record in 'edit' mode.
Then grab the first specimen listed in the Collection Object record. In our example, it's NPL 13480. The person who entered the data was able to identify this specimen as a Baculites sp. So, although it's not on the label, the taxon is in the database.
Verify the following:
- Any other numbers on the label or the specimen are in the 'Other catalog numbers' field.
- Is there a number in the Accession number field?
- The collecting event: The locality should be the same (but written differently), the Chrono and Litho information is correct.
- The Collection Object Attribute sub-form is activated, and the correct Collection Type is selected.
- The Taxon is correct.
- The information in the Inventory and Preparations is accurate. Select 'verified' if the Status is blank, and update the Inventoried by and Inventoried date to your name and today's date.
All correct? Great! Mark it as recorded, update the inventoried by and inventoried date entries, hit save and move on.
But what if things are less than perfect? Let's take them in order.
Adding missing 'other catalog numbers' is easy- you just type in the other numbers into the blank field. Use the format Catalog Prefix + Space + number. It's easier to read. If there is no catalog prefix, just skip it and only add the number.
Adding an Accession Number may be necessary. If the prefix matches one from this list (scroll down), use the corresponding accession number. If not, put 'unknown accession number' into the data entry issues field. Since it's a lookup field, you'll have to put in the number, hit the arrow then select the correct entry from the drop down menu. (there should be only one selection if you put the full number in)
Collecting event: Should a label have locality info, Geological date, rock formation or collector name and/or date/ this information gets typed into the Data Entry Issues field. Please don't create new Collecting Information entries. In the event that the database record is just a little off, say it's missing the rock formation, just put that bit into the data entry issues field.
You can add a taxon by typing the Genus (or higher, if that's all you have) into the taxon field, then hit tab. As long as when you tab out of the taxon field, the resulting drop down menu has the correct selection, click on it to select. If all you see is an option to 'add' a taxa, hit the escape key. Add the taxa to the data entry issues box. Now, if you have the Genus but not the Species, go ahead and select the Genus but add the full determination (Genus and Species) to the Data entry issues field.
Q: Only one CO record shows up when try and open them all from the query results page.
A: You accidentally selected a record before (highlighted it in dark blue) you hit the open records icon. Go back to the query results, and at the bottom choose the 'Select All'. Then click the open records icon. All records should now be open.
Q: There are 34 records for my drawer, but I only see 30 specimens.
A: As you go through the inventory, the specimens that should be in the drawer but are not will be marked as 'missing' in the Status field of Preparation table. Don't despair, though. A good number of times they turn up in other drawers. You may find them in the next drawer you work on.
Q: I can't see all of the information in the Collecting event field
A: Click in the field and pull your cursor all the way to the end. You'll be able to read it as the cursor moves. It is important to click out of the field when you move on. If you accidentally clear out most of the data, just clear out everything except the first bit- it'll look like '4 letters-NPL-Dates and or numbers'. Sometimes the first 4 letters are not there, that's fine. Just leave this bit it, hit the drop down and select the collecting info from the drop down. Alternately, you can move to a different record and choose NOT to save the current record. The collecting info will be restored when you return.
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