UTSC Website Inventory as of Sept 2013
I wanted to clarify the status of existing pages and how they may translate to the new temporary site at sites.utexas.edu/staffcouncil:
(Comments in BOLD are the updates)
NOTE: Pages with "Dynamic .WBX page from Mainframe data" are based on dynamically generated data from the mainframe via apps supported by HR.
Based on research by Maureen Kelly this is what we had as of 9/18/13:
Existing Inventory as of September 2013
Home page
- Latest Staff Council News (just a link to Twitter)–Embedded widget with UTStaffCouncil twitter feed.
- Blurb on UTSC identity/purpose/call for involvement–"Who We Are" tab
- President’s Message for Staff Council (short message from Powers)–Who We Are tab
- Goals and Purposes section (bulleted list)–Who We Are tab
- Group photo-Cover photo
- History (2 short paragraphs)–Who We Are tab
Left menu
- Staff Council: just returns to home page–Navigation, N/A
- Minutes & Committee Reports: bulleted list linking to minutes back to May 2001, with addition of Committee reports through 2010 plus 1 report from 2008–should link to repository, wherever it ends up (UTBOX? WIki?)
- Meeting Dates: list of monthly meeting dates December 2012–2013–We now have Events widget (could use its own page probably)
- Representatives & Districts: no page, just outside link to UTDirect’s listing of current reps–Dynamic .WBX page from Mainframe data. WE can link to here http://utdirect.utexas.edu/pnsc/rep_list.WBX for now but will not work in long term.
- Officers & Executive Committee: no page, just outside link to UTDirect’s listing of officers and Ex Comm--Dynamic .WBX page from Mainframe data. WE can link to here http://utdirect.utexas.edu/pnsc/officer.WBX for now but will not work in long term.
- Committees: no page, just outside link to UTDirect’s page with committee lineups--Dynamic .WBX page from Mainframe data. WE can link to here http://utdirect.utexas.edu/pnsc/committee.WBX for now but will not work in long term.
- Issue Proposals: instructions on submitting an issue proposal to UTSC; contains the following:–This all needs to be straightened out as far as 'what is the current issue proposal process'?
- Link to Issues Process FAQ page
- Email link to Issues Chair (issues_chair@utsc.utexas.edu)
- PDF of Issues Process Flow Chart (depicts process)
- PDF of the Issues Summary (summary of outcomes 2001–2006)
- Bylaws & Resolutions: provides PDFs of 3 resolutions:
- UTSC-Res-2008-01-Partner-Benefits
- UTSC-Res-2010-01-Partner-Benefits
- UTSC-Res-2011-01-Transportation
- Frequently Asked Questions: one-page FAQ with various links to pages within and outside of site
- University Group E-Mail System: no page, just outside link to UTDirect’s group email page
- UT System Employee Advisory Council: no page, just outside link to UTS advisory page
Right menu (labeled Spotlights and Events)
- Next Staff Council Meeting (date/location of next meeting)--Embedded widget with UTStaffCouncil twitter feed.
- Staff Council Reports (bulleted list of 2013 report PDFs)–current 2014 reports are on wiki: UTSC Reports
- UTSC Twitter (just a link to Twitter)–twitter widgit
- Meeting Webcasts (links to Meeting Webcasts page)–a static page
- Meeting Webcasts contains the following:
- Outside link to webcasts October 2010–present–External page
- Bulleted list of archived webcasts December 2006–October 2010–Static page for historical (archive) webcasts
- Who’s My Representative? (outside link to UTDirect page with names of reps for your district)--Dynamic .WBX page from Mainframe data. WE can link to here http://utdirect.utexas.edu/pnsc/my_rep.WBX for now but will not work in long term.
- UTSC Election Results (outside link to UTDirect page listing 2013 results)--Dynamic .WBX page from Mainframe data. WE can link to here http://utdirect.utexas.edu/pnsc/election_results.WBX for now but will not work in long term.
- Meeting Webcasts contains the following:
Current link from "Staff" has a fairly prominent clickable link but it's only recognizable if you know that the logo stands for UT Staff Council.
There is also a link under the "Getting involved" section; we're actually first, but it's well down the page.
On the UTSC site itself:
perhaps link to UT's employee discount page: http://www.utexas.edu/hr/edp/
Two separate FAQs; one like the current one which is about how UTSC works (representation, elections, etc...) and one for truly "Frequently asked questions" such as issues that come up over and over and have previously been the subject of UTSC research and action.
Maybe some sort of "News you can use" page?
"What we are working on..."
Need to include timestamp or valid year/date on lists of members/chairs/committees etc... (see erika's email below).
- Rec Sports discount for staff.
- Domestic Partner benefits.
- Pay raises.
- Staff Ed Benefit.
- Tuition break for Staff dependents.
- Parking and Transportation-I know one thing that always strikes a responsive chord in staff is the discussions about current negotiations with Cap Metro et al on current and future service (hours, routes) and recently the discussion with respect to free staff usage of cap metro routes.
perhaps a link and some info about the faculty council committees, some of which directly affect staff http://www.utexas.edu/faculty/council/pages/standcom_primer.html
What should go under the "Spotlights and events" on the right-hand sidebar?
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