Help & Support
Help & Support
Is your mailbox telling callers it's full?
A voice mailbox may be full even when the Inbox has little or nothing in it. When you delete messages, they go into the Trash bin but are not finally deleted until they reach their 30-day expiration. The only way to clear the trash bin is to log in online at voicemail.its.utexas.edu. Select the Trash tab, then the Select button at lower left to select all the messages on the page. You can then click the Delete button (trashcan icon) to delete the selected messages. If there are more messages, you can delete them one page at a time until they're all gone.
- PIN resets are done by email to utvoicemail@austin.utexas.edu, or by calling the UT Service Desk at 512-475-9400 (campus, 5-9400), but see Service Requests for options.
- Your primary contact for other issues is your Technical Support Contact (TSC).
- To escalate problems or questions, contact the UT Voice Mail Office at 512-471-0019 (campus, 1-0019) or utvoicemail@austin.utexas.edu, or call the UT Service Desk at 512-475-9400 (campus, 5-9400).
SEE ALSO: Service Requests