Running fMRI participants

Before you scan 

Before you begin scanning (assuming you have already gone through all of the IRC Training to become Level 1/Level 2 certified), you should attend a few scans to make sure you have all aspects of a scan covered. Once you feel comfortable with the scanning process you should schedule a development session in which you run a phantom subject to make sure your scripts are running correctly and there are no obvious snags that need to be resolved prior to running actual participants. Once you are ready for your first real scan, you should run through the following checklist prior to scan time to make sure you have everything you need before you go:

  1. 2 fMRI consent forms (one for the participant and one for you; you won't be able to make copies at the BIC) 
  2. IRC Gun Exclusion Zone Document: Gun Document
  3. IRC fMRI Screening Form (performed through RedCap)
  4. Demographic Form (Note: the form should be presented to the subjects as optional)
  5. Any post-scan questionnaires you may require for your study
  6. Debriefing form (if needed) 
  7. Cash for study (always overestimate the time it will take to make sure you have enough cash). 
  8. Subject Payment Form: Link to payment forms.
  9. Your laptop with tasks and scripts. 
  10. Pen and paper to record notes
  11. USB for data transfer

Walk-through of a Scan

  1. Paperwork
    1. Consent form
    2. IRC Gun Exclusion Zone Document 
    3. Optional demographics sheet
    4. Screening form
      1. There is information on this form that your operator will need
  2. Pre-Scan
    1. Subject changes into scrubs, hairnet, and footies
      1. Remove metallic nail polish and makeup
      2. Discreetly remind women to remove underwire bras
    2. Fit subjects with eye glasses if necessary 
    3. Give the subject ear plugs and explain how to use them
  3. During the Scan
    1. Keep copious notes 
      1. Make note of the scan start and end times
      2. Make copies of the paperwork
  4. After the Scan
    1. Will differ from study to study (ie. post scan recognition test or questionnaires etc.)
    2. Participant may ask for copy of their anatomical scan.
  5. Post Experiment
    1. Calculate the payment for the participant and give it to them. 
    2. Have the participant sign the Subject Payment form.
    3. Discuss the debriefing form with them and answer any questions
  6. After the scanning session
    1. Update redcap with most current information
      1. New phone number? Email? Update anything new
      2. Select whether the subject needs to be removed from the subject pool 

        1. e.g. for moving, sleeping in scanner, weird behavior OR selected to be removed on Consent for Participation form
    2. Update participant list for your experiment
    3. File all signed and identifiable paperwork
      1. This includes our copy of the signed consent form
      2. Put all sensitive documents in locked cabinet in 546F.