Mid-Program Review

Mid-Program Review Process

The Mid-Program Review was adopted to provide a meaningful, holistic assessment of student progress by the end of the student’s second year in the program, and to provide an opportunity for intervention and support if needed. This is a requirement of all doctoral students in ELP and should occur by the end of the Spring semester of the student’s second year in the program.

ATTN: Executive Ed.D. Students- Doctoral milestone completion timelines differ for students in the Executive Ed.D. program, due to the accelerated curriculum of the Executive Ed.D. HED Program. However, all other milestone requirements and expectations are applicable and expected to be met. Please check with your program advisors for guidance.


How to Submit Mid Program Review

  1. At the end of the Spring semester of the student’s second year in the program, students will initiate a formal in person meeting with their assigned faculty adviser to review and document their overall degree progress to date, and to discuss their plans for completion. 

  2. Complete and submit the Mid Program Review form no later than 14 business days prior to your Mid Program Review meeting with your faculty advisor to allow time for review of the materials.

    1. Once the Mid-Program Review form is submitted, it will be electronically sent to your advisor for their review. In order to submit the form, you will need your advisor's UT EID, which can be found in the UT DirectoryYou will be asked to format your advisor’s email in the following manner: eid@eid.utexas.edu

    2. Be sure to have the following ready to upload: 

      1. writing sample

      2. program plan filled out with names of instructors, and grades received in courses taken to date

      3. written plan for the remaining milestones

      4. curriculum vita.

    3. You can review the uploaded materials by scrolling to the end of the DocuSign document. If you need to make modifications to the uploaded materials, please do so at this step in the submission process.

      1. To modify, click the paperclip icon on the DocuSign form and add or delete materials. Once you click the “finish” button and route materials to your faculty advisor, no modifications can be made.

  3. Schedule a Mid Program Review meeting with your Faculty Advisor.

    1. Your faculty advisor will complete the evaluation and electronically sign the Mid Program Review form after the scheduled meeting.

    2. Faculty advisers will assess the students according to the rubric and complete the form indicating their evaluation of progress for their advisee as follows:

      1. Satisfactory Progress: Students must complete the Mid-Program Review Process and achieve Satisfactory Progress before completing the SP.

      2. Needs Improvement: with remediation steps outlined as needed. Students will need to ensure completion of these remediation steps before continuing in their program of study.

        1. Students who receive a “Needs Improvement” rating will be provided with remediation steps by their faculty program advisor that must be completed with a re-assessment date.

        2. Remediation steps could include: attending sessions at the Graduate Writing Center; re- taking a course; taking an additional course as deemed necessary, etc.

        3. Students who fail to complete the outlined remediation steps by the set date may be given an “Unsatisfactory/Consider Termination” rating. Students make satisfactory progress to be able to proceed with the Specialization Paper (SP) milestone.

      3. Unsatisfactory/Consider Termination:, only on rare occasions, and only after remediation steps are unsuccessful

  4. Sign the Mid Program Review Form.

    1. After you meet with your faculty adviser, your signature will be required to acknowledge receipt of the evaluation. You will receive an email message to request your signature from dse@docusign.net after your faculty advisor completes the evaluation. A password is required to access the document to protect the confidentiality of the enclosed evaluation and grade information.

    2. Please visit Stache to access the password: https://stache.utexas.edu/login. The UT Information Security Office (ISO) created Stache to provide secure storage and sharing of sensitive data like passwords, encryption keys, lock codes, and personal identification numbers. To log on to Stache, please use your UT EID and corresponding password. Multi-factor authentication, Duo, will also be required to access most online services that require a UT EID.

    3. The Mid Program Review form will be signed by the Graduate Advisor after your signature is obtained. The final decision on satisfactory progress will be communicated to the student by the Graduate Adviser in writing, no later than one month after their formal meeting with assigned faculty adviser.

    4. Once all parties have signed the review, you will receive an email notification from the DocuSign system to download a copy of your Mid Program Review for your records.


ELP Rubric for Mid-Program Review Evaluation

The ELP Doctoral Mid-Program Review is a holistic faculty review of student progress in the doctoral program. Students are graded according to a rubric below, which is intended to serve as a guide for faculty evaluation of student and submitted materials, in the mid-program review process. Based on these materials, the student’s faculty advisor will assign the student a rating of “Satisfactory,” “Needs Improvement,” or “Unsatisfactory/Consider Termination.” To meet a designated rating, students should meet at least 2 of the criteria in that category. However, the final rating is up to the discretion of the faculty adviser.



Needs Improvement

Unsatisfactory/ Consider Termination


Strong writing quality, caliber satisfactory for progression to other milestones

Writing needs improvement to meet standards of academic writing and successfully pass other milestones

Serious deficiencies in writing quality, doubtful student could pass other milestones

Course Completion

0 incompletes

1 incomplete

2 or more incompletes

Course Grades*

All course grades are at least B- or better

Receiving 1 course grade below a B-

Receiving 2 course grades below a B-

Progress (pace of course-taking)

Taking at least 2 courses per semester (or more, per individual program requirements; Exceptions to this are only with approval of faculty advisor and program head.)

Maintain continuous enrollment (only exception is for approved leave of absence
by the Graduate School)

Taking less than 2 courses per semester and/or fewer courses than required by program (without approved exception by faculty advisor and program head.)

Maintain continuous enrollment (only exception is for approved leave of absence by the Graduate School)

Does not maintain continuous enrollment (no approved leave of absence by the Graduate School)

Other evidence of merit (Recommended but not required)

Attendance/participation at conferences, participation in graduate organizations or professional associations; involvement on student committees within the college/department.

N/ A


*Note: Student grades will also be evaluated by the student’s faculty adviser as part of the mid-program review process. Student grades should meet the requirements laid out by the graduate school.