Specialization Paper Policy

Principles, Processes, and Rubric for ELP Doctoral Students & Faculty

Overview of the Specialization Paper

Beginning in AY22-23, the “SQE” will be named the Specialization Paper. The Specialization Paper (SP) is an important doctoral milestone and plays a crucial role in the skill development of educational scholars and scholar-practitioners. The SP is a measure of students’ progress in understanding and analyzing the scholarly literature and developing their own research agenda. As such, it is individualized to students’ interests and needs, allowing them to pursue their topic.


Eligibility for Submitting the Specialization Paper

Students are eligible to submit a Specialization Paper after completing 36 hours of coursework, including all Social Science core department course requirements, the Epistemologies of Education course, and one additional research course. Students need to have completed their mid-program review under the supervision of their assigned faculty advisor prior to writing and submitting their Specialization Paper.

As part of the mid-program review, the faculty advisor should begin discussing the timing of the SP and offer feedback on the SP topic/scope.


Deadlines and Requirements

Submission dates for 2024-2025 are:

Submission dates for 2025-2026 are:

Submission dates for 2026-2027 are:

Submission dates for 2024-2025 are:

Submission dates for 2025-2026 are:

Submission dates for 2026-2027 are:

August 30, 2024

September 19, 2025

September 18, 2026

January 3, 2025

January 5, 2026

January 4, 2027

March 14, 2025

March 13, 2026

March 12, 2027

May 1, 2025

May 1, 2026

May 1, 2027

The SP is between 20 and 25 pages double-spaced, using 12-point Times Roman font, 1" margins. The cover page and reference list are excluded from the page limit. Matching journal processes, lengthier SPs will be desk rejected, and students will be asked to revise to meet the guideline.

Writing & Submitting the Specialization Paper

Once a student meets eligibility to write the Specialization Paper, they are encouraged to seek peer review, UT Writing Center review, and ongoing guidance from their faculty advisor. Students, however, are not allowed to use an editor or other professional services while writing the SP.

A student should ensure their faculty advisor signs off on their application and readiness for the SP on the appropriate forms by the deadlines established for each semester. The faculty advisor signature indicates that the SP is ready for review.


Grading Process & Rubric

Two faculty members will be assigned to review each SP. The assigned reviewers will hold expertise in the topic of the SP (Note: the student’s assigned advisor is not eligible to review the SP). This will be a blind review, in that faculty members will not know the identify of the author. The review process is similar to that of an academic journal manuscript. Faculty reviewers will provide quantitative scores and qualitative feedback regarding the following four, weighted, rubric categories:

A) Abstract and Introduction: Introduction provides a clear overview of a research problem and/or problem of practice, summarizes extant research to identify salient gaps, offers a guiding research question for the review, presents the aims and scope of the literature review, and closes with a structured outline (“roadmap”) of the document. It may reference previous coursework/papers that shaped the Specialization Paper.

SCORE (weight = 5%):

1 – Below standard

2 – Basic

3 – Proficient

4 – Advanced

B) Literature Review- Comprehensiveness: Literature review includes appropriate quantity of literature to satisfy the aims and scope articulated in the introduction; literature review cites peer-reviewed journal articles.

The literature review should cover the past 20 years with at least 25 sources. Key foundational research older than 20 years may be incorporated to set the stage for the topic, but emphasis should be placed on more recent literature. In most circumstances, at least half of the sources should be from top-tier, peer-reviewed journals. More concretely, for all students: American Educational Research Association's journals: https://www.aera.net/Publications/Journals; additional journals to consider by concentrations include: for leadership students- Educational Administration Quarterly; for higher education -Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, Review of Higher Education, and Journal of College Student Development; for education policy - Educational Policy.

The SP should describe the methods employed for the literature review, including the guiding question(s), search terms, any inclusion/exclusion criteria, and total number of citations discovered.

SCORE (weight=35%):

1 – Below standard

2 – Basic

3 – Proficient

4 – Advanced

C) Literature Review-Synthesis: Literature review opens with an articulation of the aims and scope of the review; writer cites relevant literature from selected sub-fields; literature review is focused and aligns to its major aims.

The SP synthesizes the sets of literature; this includes identifying key themes, points of convergence, and/or disagreements. The paper discusses and cites relevant literature to support claims and build an argument regarding the literature/field. Note: the SP should not read like a list of article summaries.

The SP notes and critiques methods (where applicable) and identifies gaps across studies. The paper also discusses opportunities for future research and potential implications for policy/practice. Finally, the paper may describe how the student's future research will fill gaps in literature.

The SP may use tables or diagrams to support points, but the contents must be discussed in text. 

Note: The SP does not review or incorporate a theoretical/conceptual framework. However, the review could discuss or critique how existing literature applies various theories. 

SCORE (weight= 45%):

1 – Below standard

2 – Basic

3 – Proficient

4 – Advanced

D) Organization, writing, mechanics, and APA formatting: The organization and sentence structure enable readers to follow arguments and understand major points. The SP includes clear, meaningful headings/sub-headings. It also includes transitions between sections and strong topic sentences to guide readers through the piece. Writer follows APA 7th Edition guidelines for in-text citations and references section; writer adheres to APA style throughout manuscript; writing is grammatically sound and free of typos and other formatting errors.

SCORE (weight=15%):

1 – Below standard

2 – Basic

3 – Proficient

4 – Advanced


Total or holistic score = weighted average of scores within the SP Excel scoring spreadsheet for the four rubric domains (A, B, C, D). The average of the two reviewers’ weighted scores produces the outcome for the Specialization Paper.


Outcome for Specialization Paper (SP)

The final SP outcome adopts a similar review process as used by peer-reviewed journals within our field. The total or holistic score (weighted average of all rubric categories) determines the scoring outcome of the SP, as follows:

  • PASS/Accept (no revisions) holistic score of 3.5 – 4.0

  • PASS/Accept (minor revisions) – holistic score of 2.50 – 3.49.

    • Minor revisions will be completed under the supervision of their faculty advisor.

    • We encourage completing revisions within 6 weeks of obtaining scores.

    • The SP does not need to be resubmitted to the Department.

  • NO PASS/Revise and Resubmit (R&R) – holistic score of 1.5 – 2.49.

    • This score defaults to the "Failed Specialization Paper" instructions below.

    • The student will write a cover letter documenting how they addressed reviewers’ comments.

    • A "Revise and Resubmit" rating will be allowed to submit a total of 2 times, including the original submission.

  • No Pass – holistic score below 1.5.

    • This score defaults to the mandatory rewrite policy.

    • A "No Pass" rating will be allowed to submit a total of 2 times, including the original submission.


  • The student must have a 2.5 or above on the holistic score to be designated as “accept.” The advisor will supervise any refinements to the paper as the student continues in the dissertation process.

  • Students who do not meet the holistic score standard after the second attempt/re-write will be terminated from their doctoral program in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy.

  • If readers/faculty/staff detect plagiarism, then the program advisor will be notified, the student will receive a fail on the SP, and next steps will be determined in conjunction with university procedures for academic integrity.


Failed Specialization Paper (Grade of: NO PASS or NO PASS/Revise and Resubmit (R&R))

Once a student does not pass the SP the following steps must be taken:

  1. The faculty advisor fills out an Individual Writing Plan (IWP) that consists of a list of steps to be taken to improve the paper and build students’ skills prior to next submission. 

  2. The faculty advisor and student meet to review the IWP. The IWP is signed by both advisor and student. At this meeting, they identify a resubmission date. A copy of this signed IWP goes to the graduate advisor’s office.

  3. The student then takes steps outlined in the IWP and revises the SP by the due date. As the student completes the steps the student fills out dates that those activities were completed on the IWP.

  4. As the student revises the paper, the student also fills out the Cover Letter to indicate how the student responded to the reviewer questions/concerns

  5. Please note: 


    1. Resubmissions will only be accepted during the regular academic year, not summer.

When the student has completed the steps and is ready to resubmit their paper, they will turn in the following:


Students can expect feedback within four weeks after the deadline.


Honor Code
The “honor code” is still in effect, which means that at no time can the student solicit excessive feedback or help. Excessive help can include, but is not limited to, having a professional revise your paper, employing a professional editor, and/or having someone re-write portions of your paper. In other words, the specialization paper should be an accurate representation of the student’s own work and capacities.


BEFORE YOU SUBMIT: Your advisor must review your SP before submission, as they will be required to certify this on the SP DocuSign.

How to Submit SP
Before the grading process can start, please make sure your contact information associated with your student record is current. Students can update/verify their address information at: https://registrar.utexas.edu/students/records/address.

  1. Complete Specialization Paper Submittal Form linked:  http://links.utexas.edu/bkbdwje

Once the Submittal Form is completed and submitted, it will be automatically sent electronically to your advisor for their electronic signature. In order to submit the form, you will need your advisor's UTEID, which can be found in https://directory.utexas.edu. SP advisor (use UTEID@eid.utexas.edu, example: abc123@eid.utexas.edu). Please allow at least 5 business days for your Submittal Form to be electronically signed by your advisor. All signatures and forms must be received by the deadline date. Forms that have been signed after the deadline date will not be accepted. 

Note: Make sure to submit the paper at least five weeks before applying for Advancement to Candidacy for a specific semester.

2. Email a PDF of your SP paper to SP_Subm.k3ijarl36bdwqexl@u.box.com. Submission file should be labeled as Surname_Paper (e.g., Doe_Paper).   

               Note: Neither can the student’s name be listed nor can the student refer to him/her/zir self by name in the paper (i.e., the authorship of the paper must be completely anonymous).




SP Training Recordings: (Please log in using your UT EID and corresponding password to view the recordings)

Sample Specialization Papers (SPs)
Students are also encouraged to review successful SP sample papers (which were submitted under previous SQE guidelines) and talk to students who have successfully passed the SP, their faculty advisor, and their peers while working on their SP.  Finally, students should check how their SP draft meets guidelines and criteria on the SP Wiki page.

SP Sample Papers here: https://utexas.app.box.com/folder/51852482520?s=1xm2867aqni9pjqvxqd9ahsvrwtqevv9


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does the policy apply to my program? If you are in a doctoral program (PHD or EDD) in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy (CSP, EPP, or PHEL), yes, the policy applies to you. 

  • When do the new deadlines take effect and are there any exceptions to the deadlines? The new deadlines take effect December 2022. If you miss a deadline, you must wait until the next deadline to submit your SP. The faculty will consider exception requests, but exceptions are rare. To request an exception complete the SP form and write a letter to your program faculty explaining why you need an exception. The decision for an exception to the SP deadline resides entirely with your program faculty. 

  • Can I employ an editor or get help from classmates on my paper? In recent years, we have instituted a 30-day no fly zone. For the August 2022 submission and for subsequent submissions, we are eliminating the 30 day “no fly zone” policy (no external assistance). However, the “honor code” is still in effect, which means that at no time can the student solicit excessive feedback or help. Excessive help can include but is not limited to having a professional revise your paper, employing a professional editor, having someone re-write portions of your paper, etc. In other words, the specialization paper should be an accurate representation of the student’s work and ability.

  • Who needs to sign my SP submittal form and how do I turn it in? Your program advisor of record must sign your form before you submit it. Forms missing your faculty advisor signature will be rejected. You may submit the form by:

    • Completing Specialization Paper Submittal Form, linked here. Once the Submittal Form is completed and submitted, it will be automatically sent electronically to your advisor for their electronic signature. Please allow 5 business days for your Submittal Form to be electronically signed by your advisor.

    • After your advisor signs, it will automatically be sent to the ELP Department electronically. All signatures and forms must be received by the deadline date.

  • If my dissertation chair and advisor of record are different people, who signs my SP submittal form? Your advisor. 

  • What is the doctoral application packet? The doctoral application packet is a series of forms you submit after successfully defending your dissertation/treatise proposal. You can find the packet on the Advancement to Candidacy page. 

  • Does my paper need to include a conceptual framework? No. It should, however, contain a cohesive and relevant conclusion based on the synthesis of literature you provide. The only conceptual framework that might appear in an SP paper is a framework used to analyze the literature itself. 

  • Does my paper need to include a problem statement? You should include an introduction that adequately provides a rationale for why the literature review is relevant and meaningful. 

  • Does my paper need to include research questions? Only research questions you are asking of the literature. Research questions related to your dissertation or treatise, for example, can be part of the future research that you recommend, but those questions are not the ones you would include as the ones guiding your review of the literature.

  • How do I avoid plagiarizing myself? Follow the APA guidelines on self-plagiarism, and indicate on your cover sheet that portions of the paper were written for course credit. 

  • What if my literature review is too long because of the many areas I am seeking to cover? You should scope the literature review you present in your SP to be thorough and demonstrate your expertise and to fit within the allocated pages. 

  • Can I say that I am only including, for example, two of my three main strands of literature so the readers know I’ve done more work? No. This is a stand-alone paper and must be able to be read without additional context. Scope the paper appropriately to cover the literature well and in the pages allowed. 

  • Should I include a methodology section? The SP should describe the methods employed for the literature review. This could address information such as guiding question(s), search terms, any inclusion/exclusion criteria, and total number of citations discovered.  

  • I have lingering questions about the SP and have already asked my advisor. Contact ELP_SP@utexas.edu. You can expect a response within 3 business days.