Proposal Process

Prior to formal advancement to Doctoral Candidacy by the Graduate School, a student must successfully complete the Mid-Program Review, SP, and dissertation proposal. Only then, may the student be advanced to Doctoral Candidacy by the student's committee, Graduate Coordinator and Graduate Advisor.  

The Dissertation/Treatise

The Ph.D. dissertation/Ed.D. treatise is designed to demonstrate the student's knowledge and skills and is expected to make a significant contribution to knowledge in one of the traditions of thought related to educational policy and leadership. This work should be framed within the scholarship available in the area of study. A strong theoretical background is necessary, along with a methodology. Throughout the dissertation period, a student is advised to maintain close contact with the Dissertation/Treatise Chairperson and other Dissertation/Treatise Committee members. It is the student's responsibility to see that the dissertation/treatise meets current Graduate School requirements.

Please review the steps below, outlined by the Department, as you prepare for your proposal defense and advancement to doctoral candidacy.


I. Prepare Dissertation/Treatise Proposal and Hold Proposal Defense Meeting

When: After you pass your SP & have completed all coursework

  • Identify your dissertation/treatise committee chair (supervisor)

  • In consultation with your committee supervisor, invite 3 other members to serve on your dissertation/treatise committee, at least one semester prior to holding your proposal meeting. Your committee must consist of 4 members: 3 members (including your chair) must be members of the ELP Graduate Studies Committee (GSC), and 1 member (your “outside/external member”) must be from outside of the student’s (ELP) GSC.   

  • Submit the CV of your external committee member to the Graduate School by emailing the CV and your UT EID to Grad Student Services (

  • Prepare your dissertation/treatise proposal (3 chapters) in consultation with your committee chair

  •  With your chair’s approval, schedule a date and time for your proposal meeting (to present your proposal  to your committee). To reserve a room for your proposal, please contact the Graduate Coordinator. Virtual proposal meetings are acceptable.

  • Distribute copies of your proposal to all committee members at least 2 weeks in advance of proposal meeting

  • Prior to the meeting, prepare your Doctoral to Candidacy Advancement Kit

  • Hold your proposal meeting 

    • If you want to have audience members attend your proposal and/or record your proposal, please discuss your options and the expectations of the faculty with your chair.