Level 1 Certification - Clinical Staff
The topics you need to understand in order to be L1 certified can be found in the L1 Training Checklist.
To obtain L1 Certification as a member of the DMS / UTHA clinical staff (including Radiology Residents):
1) Submit the BIC MRI Training Request form.
2) Download the Level 1 MRI User Training Packet from the BIC Wiki and complete under the guidance of your supervisor.
This packet has 5 components:
- Completion of the first page of the packet PDF. Must have your signature, the signature of your superviser and the10-digit charge account number.
- A screenshot of UTLearn course certification:
- BIC-MRI: 101B (for the 3T Vida / HDB).
- A screenshot of email confirmation for a completed MRI Safety Screening form for Personnel. A member of BIC staff will review and email back confirmation if you screen safe. Re-submit this if your details have changed, or it has been more than 2 years since last submission.
- IRB (human subject studies) or IACUC (pre-clinical studies) status – Not Required for Clinical Staff.
- UTLearn course: BIC-MRI:102 - MRI Safety Screening Training – Not Required for Clinical Staff.
3) Compile each component of the packet into a single PDF. Name the completed Training Packet as your FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_L0.pdf .Email your PDF to bic-training@utlists.utexas.edu
4) BIC will review the packet. If all requirements have been met, BIC will contact you to arrange the date / time of your L1 training for the appropriate site / system.
5) Once training is completed, the PI / supervisor of the staff member should submit the BIC Access Request Form:
Level 1 users will be granted in-hours access to BIC facilities in HDB but will not have access to the MRI scanner room(s).
Out of hours access to HDB can also be requested from DMS Facilities by submitting the following form: HDB BACS Request.
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