Part 1: Introduction of Peek-a-Bear

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Peek-a-Bear is a paper mechanism that can be cut out of the pages 50-51 of the book, Karakuri: How to Make Mechanical Paper Models That Move by Keisuke Saka. The description in the book reads "A cute bear wants to play peekaboo with you! Have fund pacing the speed as you turn the handle." The function of the mechanism then are: 

  1. Move the hands in front of the head as the user turns the crank 
  2. As the hands move away, move the head up to imitate the bear peeking through his/her hands
  3. Reset at the end of the cycle and repeat 

The position of the hands in relation to the face seems to be the only analysis needed to verify the efficacy of the mechanism; however, an explanatory analyses into the velocity and acceleration will also be conducted.