VII. Conclusions and Future Work - PU

In conclusion, I was able to create the mechanism that I had hoped to create. It certainly met my level of satisfaction with regard to the range of motion and smoothness. This was certainly a very interesting learning experience since I have not had much of a chance to actually build physical prototypes during my time here at the university. I was able to learn a lot about the nuances of using hardware and assembly. Overall, I was able to achieve the motion that I originally had wanted when I started this project.

In the future, I would certainly like to improve upon my design and hopefully make it a bit more rigid. Since I used whatever I could find as spacers to prevent the arms from colliding, it is a bit more wobbly than I would want. I think I would also like to improve upon my code to include more plots of other parts of the mechanism. I think this would be very interesting to be able to visualize. I would also work more on the electronics and incorporate a servo (or stepper/ geared motor) along with computer control instead of using a drill. I think doing so would make it look more refined and possibly more durable in the long run. 

Arduino Uno Rev3Servo - Generic High Torque (Standard Size) - ROB-11965 - SparkFun  Electronics