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To view all additional jobs for a single faculty member, Academic HR Partners and Academic HR Executives may run the Add Job Analytic (Academic) - RPT0018 in Workday.

Which process?

  1. Is the additional employer external to UT Austin? This is considered Outside Professional Activities. Follow the guidance at Texas Research: Outside Professional Activities: Request Prior Approval.

  2. Is the proposed additional work funded by sponsored projects, follow the instructions for Release Time (Leave From the Instructional Budget).

  3. Does the faculty member also hold an Academic A&P position?

    1. If proposed additional employment is not related to their duties as a faculty member, follow the processes and rules for Staff with Additional Employment. Approvals will route through APS rather than HR.

    2. If proposed additional employment is related to their duties as a faculty member, follow the processes and rules on this page for Faculty with Additional Employment.

  4. Is a non-faculty employee with no existing faculty job teaching a course? See guidance on Hiring non-faculty employees to teach below.

  5. If the situations above do not apply and the additional work is performed for UT Austin, it is considered Additional Employment, and should follow the appropriate guidance on this page.

Faculty Additional Employment



To view all additional jobs for a single faculty member, Academic HR Partners and Academic HR Executives may run the Add Job Analytic (Academic) - RPT0018 in Workday.

Which process?

  1. Is the additional employer external to UT Austin? This is considered Outside Professional Activities. Follow the guidance at Texas Research: Outside Professional Activities: Request Prior Approval.

  2. Is the proposed additional work funded by sponsored projects? Follow the instructions for Release Time (Leave From the Instructional Budget).

  3. Does the faculty member also hold an Academic A&P position?

    1. If proposed additional employment is not related to their duties as a faculty member, follow the processes and rules for Staff with Additional Employment. Approvals will route through APS rather than HR.

    2. If proposed additional employment is related to their duties as a faculty member, follow the processes and rules on this page for Faculty with Additional Employment.

  4. Is a non-faculty employee with no existing faculty job teaching a course? See guidance on Hiring non-faculty employees to teach below.

  5. If the situations above do not apply and the additional work is performed for UT Austin, it is considered Additional Employment, and should follow the appropriate guidance on this page.

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excludeWhich process?

Faculty Additional Employment

Faculty Additional Employment is additional work done above and beyond the regular faculty position (or existing faculty contract for Professional-Track faculty), and that falls within the standard academic domains of teaching, research, or service. Examples of additional employment may include Intersession/Maymester teaching, Instructional Overload, Option III, or Academic Activities.

Faculty can perform additional work for their primary department or for an external department or college. If the work is performed for an external department or college, that department or college is responsible for processing any appointments and compensation related to the work the faculty performed.

If a faculty member holds multiple faculty jobs across different units, their rank must be the same across all units.

Short-term vs. ongoing work

Short-term and sporadic

  • Terms: 30 days or less, irregular, variable, and non-ongoing

  • Paid with a lump sum after the work is complete

  • Example: interdisciplinary committee work

  • See processing instructions on the Requesting One-Time Payments W.I.G.


Funding and compensation

  • State funds should only be used for appropriate instructional-related duties.

  • There are no hourly or compensation


Hourly pay is used for additional non-academic work that is also performed by a nonexempt employee

Work performed outside the primary home department

Prior approval is required for additional work is to be performed in a UT Austin unit other than the faculty member's home department, typically attached to a Faculty Associate additional job. Prior approval may be indicated on the Workday business process by either a) completed a completed and signed Faculty Additional Employment form to the Workday business process, or b) obtaining approvals of both the home department supervisor and supervisor of the organization requesting the additional employment via email or other written means, and detailing these approvals in the Workday business process comments - example: "Additional employment approved by Chair/Director/Dean Name on MM/DD/YYYY."

Processing additional employment in Workday

Additional employment may be processed in Workday as an Additional Job, an Allowance, or a One-Time Payment, depending on the circumstances of both the faculty member and the additional work. To determine which process to use for faculty additional employment, see the Faculty Additional and Sporadic Employment Decision Tree, using the details below, and follow additional guidance for the appropriate business process(es) in the tabs on this page.

The following information will be needed for using the Faculty Additional and Sporadic Employment Decision Tree:

  • The nature of the additional work: instructional (teaching courses listed officially in the course catalog), research, or service

  • Whether the work is done for the faculty member's current department, or another unit on campus

  • The faculty member's primary job type: full-time or part-time

  • Duration of the work: sporadic, short-term, or ongoing

Hiring non-faculty employees to teach

Before beginning, follow the relevant guidance for Staff Additional Jobs.

Employees without faculty positions must be hired via PAR in order to serve as Instructor of Record. Typically, a short-term Lecturer position is most appropriate for these situations. See descriptions of other professional-track titles at COE: Titles and Ranks - Professional Track Faculty. The total FTE of all non-faculty and faculty positions cannot exceed 100%.

If the employee will hold a concurrent 100% FTE non-faculty position during the proposed teaching job, there are two options:

Option 1: Reduce FTE of primary position:


  • limits on additional employment for faculty.

  • Hourly pay is used for additional non-academic work that is also performed by a nonexempt employee

Work performed outside the primary home department

Prior approval is required for additional work is to be performed in a UT Austin unit other than the faculty member's home department, typically attached to a Faculty Associate additional job. Prior approval may be indicated on the Workday business process by either a) completed a completed and signed Faculty Additional Employment form to the Workday business process, or b) obtaining approvals of both the home department supervisor and supervisor of the organization requesting the additional employment via email or other written means, and detailing these approvals in the Workday business process comments - example: "Additional employment approved by Chair/Director/Dean Name on MM/DD/YYYY."

Processing additional employment in Workday

Additional employment may be processed in Workday as an Additional Job, an Allowance, or a One-Time Payment, depending on the circumstances of both the faculty member and the additional work. To determine which process to use for faculty additional employment, see the Faculty Additional and Sporadic Employment Decision Tree, using the details below, and follow additional guidance for the appropriate business process(es) in the tabs on this page.

The following information will be needed for using the Faculty Additional and Sporadic Employment Decision Tree:

  • The nature of the additional work: instructional (teaching courses listed officially in the course catalog), research, or service

  • Whether the work is done for the faculty member's current department, or another unit on campus

  • The faculty member's primary job type: full-time or part-time

  • Duration of the work: sporadic, short-term, or ongoing

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Hiring non-faculty employees to teach

Before beginning, follow the relevant guidance for Staff Additional Jobs.

Employees without faculty positions must be hired via PAR in order to serve as Instructor of Record. Typically, a short-term Lecturer position is most appropriate for these situations. See descriptions of other professional-track titles at COE: Titles and Ranks - Professional Track Faculty. The total FTE of all non-faculty and faculty positions cannot exceed 100%.

If the employee will hold a concurrent 100% FTE non-faculty position during the proposed teaching job, there are two options:

Option 1: Reduce FTE of primary position:

In collaboration with the supervisory organization of the primary position, the non-faculty position is reduced by the corresponding FTE of the proposed faculty position so that their FTE does not exceed 100%. Example: An 100% A&P employee will teach one course in spring. From 1/1-5/15, their A&P position is temporarily reduced to 75%, and the department for whom they will be teaching processes a PAR for a 25% Lecturer position.

Option 2: No change to FTE of primary position:

After discussion with the supervisory organization of the primary position, the


decision is made not to reduce the FTE of the


primary non-faculty position


Option 2: No change to FTE of primary position:

After discussion with the supervisory organization of the primary position, the decision is made not to reduce the FTE of the primary non-faculty position. Instead, a 0% FTE faculty position will be added, and compensation will be paid via Instructional Overload.



Submit an Instructional Overload Pre-Approval form. Only after the form has been approved by the department chair, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, and the Provost's Office can the department proceed.


Process a 0% Lecturer PAR.

. Instead, a 0% FTE faculty position will be added, and compensation will be paid via Instructional Overload.


  1. Before beginning, review guidance for Staff Additional Jobs. Process a Staff Additional Job Form and obtain appropriate approvals.

  2. Department processes a Professional-track PAR.

  3. Department AM submits form "Instructional Overload" at Faculty Affairs/APS ServiceNow: Complete Forms. For guidance, see COE: ServiceNow Forms

    1. In the section "Required Approval Routing," add the following:

      1. Dean's Staff: Karla Steffen (steffek)

      2. Dean or Dean Designate: Beth Maloch (malochb)

    2. In section "Request Justification," describe the reason for the Instructional Overload request - for instance, the faculty member originally scheduled to teach the course will be on leave, no other faculty member is available to teach the course, etc.

  4. Once the PAR has been approved and the appointment has pushed into Workday, process a New Allowance - Instructional Overload (ongoing) on the 0% faculty position. Upload


  1. as PDF files both the approved staff Additional Job form and Instructional Overload


  1. approval


  1. email


  1. to the BP. See the Requesting Compensation Changes W.I.G. for processing information.

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Additional Job - Faculty Associate

In Workday, all employee payments must be attached to a job. To pay a faculty member for work done outside of the unit(s) in which their primary faculty position is held, a temporary Faculty Associate position must first be created to add them to the external JM supervisory organization. The associated Allowance or One-Time Payment is then processed on that Faculty Associate position.

Faculty Associate should never be the only or primary faculty job. Only faculty with existing, active positions can be appointed as Faculty Associate. Faculty Associate positions will not display in the UT Directory, and no Academic Appointment is associated. Faculty Associate positions should always be ended on August 15th following the completion of that instance of employment.

See additional information at the Additional Employment for Faculty Overview W.P.O.



Faculty Associate positions do not require job requisitions, recruiting,


nor PARs.


  1. Prior approval is required for additional work is to be performed in a unit other than the faculty member's home department. Either a) process the Additional Employment Form and obtain all necessary approvals, or b) obtain approvals of both the home department supervisor and supervisor of the unit requesting additional work via email before proceeding to the next step. If used, the final-approved form should be uploaded to the associated Workday business process. If the form is not used, record approvals in comments - example: "Additional employment approved by Chair/Director/Dean Name on MM/DD/YYYY."


  1. For faculty additional employment activities during the academic year August 16-May 15, follow instructions in the Add Additional Job for Faculty Associate W.I.G. to add a fixed term Faculty Associate (0046) job, using an end date of 8/15/20XX. (For summer activities, between May 16 and August 15, follow guidance for summer.)


  1. Use either the Full-Time Faculty or Part-Time Faculty page of the Faculty Additional Employment Decision Tree to determine the most appropriate pay mechanism to use for the situation, either Allowance or One-Time Payment.


  1. Process either an Allowance or One-Time Payment as appropriate, referring to additional guidance on this page.


  1. Remember to end the


  1. Faculty Associate job when work is complete.

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Allowance and One Time Payment (OTP)

Any payment for a faculty member working over 40 hours per week must be paid as an Allowance or OTP. Both Allowances and OTPs are eligible for TRS contributions.

Allowance or One-Time Payment?


Allowances are used for work that extends beyond 30 days AND for which payments will be regular and consistent (monthly). Process in Workday according to the Request Compensation Change W.I.G. Use the compensation plan "Academic Activities (Ongoing)". The Cost Center Manager should process an ad-hoc costing allocation at the Worker Position Earning level for the allowance.

Note that Workday allows only one active allowance plan of a single type per position at a time.

One-Time Payment (OTP)

OTP is used to pay faculty for additional employment of 30 days or less, or if payment amounts and dates are not consistent (i.e. monthly). Payment is made as a lump sum after work is completed. Process in Workday according to the Request One-Time Payment W.I.G. Use the compensation plan "Academic Activities (One-Time)".




  1. If the additional work is performed in a unit other than the faculty member's home department, first follow


  1. the instructions to add a Faculty Associate position. (Alternative option for short-term or sporadic work only: ask the external faculty member's home unit to process an OTP off their faculty position.)


  1. Use either the Full-Time Faculty or Part-Time Faculty page of the Faculty Additional Employment Decision Tree to determine the most appropriate pay mechanism to use for the situation, either Allowance or One-Time Payment.


  1. In Workday, initiate either the Allowance or One-Time Payment process, as appropriate.

    1. If payee is internal to the unit: Process an Allowance or OTP directly off their faculty position.

    2. If payee is external to the unit: No OTP option is available. Use one of the following options:

      1. Option 1: Process an Allowance (can use the time period of a single month if needed) on their Faculty Associate position from Step 1 above.

      2. Option 2: Ask their home unit to process an OTP off the faculty position using your unit's cost center.


  1. Process either an Allowance or OTP according to the results of the Faculty Additional Employment Decision Tree.

    1. Dates in the OTP business process in Workday:

      1. Video: What date to I use on a One-Time Payment in Workday?

      2. Effective Date: Best practice is to use today's date

      3. Coverage Dates (not in all OTP business processes): Date range services were performed

      4. Scheduled Payment Date: This is not the same as the Payroll pay date, but acts more like a service date. If, for instance, a Payroll payment date of August 1 is desired, a Scheduled Payment Date prior to July 31 should be used. (This does not apply to retroactive dates.) Be sure that the Scheduled Payment Date is on or after Coverage End Date.


  1. Include the following in the Allowance or OTP business process in Workday:


    1. Confirm in comments that sponsored research is NOT being conducted.


    1. Confirm that the faculty member is performing tasks beyond the scope of their faculty position.


    1. Briefly describe the activities being performed.


    1. Include chair/dean/director approval (who approved + date of approval) either in comments of the BP or via supporting documentation.


    1. Upload final-approved Faculty Additional Employment form or Instructional Overload form as relevant.


  1. If an additional Faculty Associate job was added in step 1, be sure to end it when work is complete.


Costing when using multiple cost centers: The One-Time Payment business process does not allow entering percentages to distribute costs across multiple cost centers, nor does it allow multiple cost centers to be entered for a single payment. Instead, the payment should be split into multiple payments on the same business process, each with its own cost center and corresponding share of the total amount.

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Instructional Overload (IO)


The required teaching course load for a Tenured/Tenure-Track faculty member in the College of Education is two organized courses per long semester. Teaching courses in excess of that is typically approved only in exceptional circumstances, and requires the prior approval of the department chair and Academic Personnel Services (APS).


Option III classes do not generate teaching load credits, and so do not require prior approval from APS, nor an Instructional Overload Pre-Approval Form. See


Option III


on this page for more information.

Fall and spring process

Instructional overload pre-approval must be requested if a faculty member has been asked to teach a course which would place them above 40 SWHs during the academic year.


  1. Department AM submits form "Instructional Overload" at Faculty Affairs/APS ServiceNow: Complete Forms.


  1. For guidance, see COE: ServiceNow Forms

    1. In the section "Required Approval Routing," add the following:

      1. Dean's Staff: Karla Steffen (steffek)

      2. Dean or Dean Designate: Beth Maloch (malochb)

    2. In section "Request Justification," describe the reason for the Instructional Overload request - for instance, the faculty member originally scheduled to teach the course will be on leave, no other faculty member is available to teach the course, etc.


  1. EVPP reviews form. Do not proceed to the next step until the final-approved form is received by the department.


  1. If the additional course is not in the faculty member's home unit, add a Faculty Associate Job to the external supervisory organization, with no base pay and zero scheduled hours. If the additional course is in the home unit, proceed to the next step.


  1. Use either the Full-Time Faculty or Part-Time Faculty page of the Faculty Additional Employment Decision Tree to determine the most appropriate Workday business process to use - either Allowance or One-Time Payment (OTP).


  1. Follow the instructions on this page for either Allowance or OTP.

    1. For Instructional Overloads paid by Allowance, use Plan Assignment "Instructional Overload (ongoing)


    1. .


  1. Attach a PDF of the final-approved Instructional Overload Pre-Approval


  1. email notification to the Workday payment business process, and briefly summarize the logic followed to choose either Allowance or OTP in the Faculty Additional Employment Decision Tree.

Summer process

The definition of "Instructional Overload" during the summer is different from its definition in fall and spring semesters. During the summer, faculty are normally allowed to teach one organized course in any summer teaching form without pre-approvals. If a faculty member is teaching two or more organized courses during the summer, that is considered an Instructional Overload, and requires Chair and/or Dean pre-approval, according to CSU guidelines. 

The College of Education requires Chair approval for two courses taught during different summer sessions (i.e., one in first term, and one in second term). For two courses taught during the same summer session, both Chair and Dean (or Dean-delegate) approval is needed.

Instructional Overload prior-approval forms are not required during the summer, although the department may upload one to the appropriate business process if they choose to do so. If an assignment meets the definition of Instructional Overload and a form is not used, the associated Workday business process should include notes indicating chair approval, for example: "Instructional overload approved by Chair Name on MM/DD/YYYY". See COE: Faculty Summer Appointments > tab "Teaching," section "Instructional overload - summer" for more information.

A summer job should be processed in Workday, with the allowance coded as "Instructional Overload."

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Option III


Faculty compensation

Option III course instruction is normally done on an overload basis. These courses are not part of a faculty member's regular workload. The faculty member may receive additional compensation for this overload activity. See more at Option III Policy Guide Revised August 4, 2023.

Fall and spring process

Option III classes do not generate teaching load credits, and so do not require prior approval from APS, nor an Instructional Overload Pre-Approval Form.


  1. Obtain department chair approval of the Option III payment before beginning processing. (The chair's name and date of approval will be noted in the Workday business process.)


  1. Use the Faculty Additional Employment Decision Tree to determine the most appropriate method of payment - either One-Time Payment or Allowance.


  1. Choose payment component "Option III" in the appropriate business process. (Note that Workday allows only one active allowance plan of a single type per position at a time.



  1. Costing should be from the department's Option III Program account.


  1. Include the following in comments:

    1. Approval details: "Option III payment approved by Chair Name on MM/DD/YYYY." 

    2. Option III course name and enrollment numbers

Summer process

For nine-month faculty, compensation for work done during the summer should be compensated via summer Additional Job, as long as doing so does not result in a total of more than 40 Scheduled Weekly Hours across all summer jobs during any given time period. Any portion of Option III compensation that would result in more than 40 SWH should be paid via One-Time Payment or Allowance, on top of the summer jobs.

Department chair approval of Option III payments is required prior to processing - please include comments in the Workday business process indicating approval - for example, "Option III payment approved by Chair Name on MM/DD/YYYY." 

See also Summer Appointments - Faculty > Option III.

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