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For additional information about research faculty, see:

See EVPP: Hiring Research Faculty.


titleResearch faculty overview

General information


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Table of Contents

What are research faculty?

Research faculty are expected to focus primarily on conducting research rather than to assume the full academic responsibilities of teaching, research, and service. They should demonstrate evidence of an independent research agenda and of the ability to build and sustain an independent research program, with scholarly credentials comparable to what one would expect for a tenured/tenure-track faculty member at the equivalent rank. They are also expected to be somehow involved in the academics of their department/ whether in teaching, or through other involvement as defined by their department/college.

Research faculty are




track and hold a single 12-month position. (In the legacy system, they held two concurrent positions: a nine-month faculty position and a 12-month A&P position.) They are expected to be full-time (40 SWH), and fully-funded by external grants.  Instructional/state funds may be used only when the faculty member is instructor of record for an organized class. If teaching, position funding should be adjusted via Assign Costing Allocation in Workday to reflect the appropriate instructional effort. Contracts are normally for one year


but can be longer if determined by the Dean to be in the best interest of the institution.

Note that the expectation is that Research Faculty positions are 100%, and exceptions are at the discretion of EVPP/VPR.

Faculty, including research faculty, do not enter hours worked on timesheets, but are required to enter absence time such as sick leave, floating holiday, and, for those appointed into positions eligible to earn vacation, vacation time used. See COE: Leave - Faculty for more information.

Faculty, including research faculty, are not eligible for longevity pay.

Research faculty vs. research staff

The key distinction is evidence of engagement with the academic enterprise through teaching, mentorship, or supervision of students at some level.


For information on research staff, see COE: Research Positions.

PI (Principal Investigator) eligibility

Research faculty are granted automatic PI status. See Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility Administrative Procedures for more information.


Research Faculty titles

See EVPP: Research Faculty Titles.


Job Code


Research Professor


Research accomplishments and scholarly credentials equivalent to that of a full professor, including supervision of research programs/projects as a principal investigator.

Research Associate Professor


Research accomplishments and scholarly credentials equivalent to that of an established assistant professor or a new associate professor. The individual must have an established record as a mature, independent researcher.

Research Assistant Professor


Expected to show the potential to develop an independent research program that represents a significant portion of their activity and also be involved in activities traditionally thought of as professorial.

Overview of Hire Process

Source: Academic - Hire Faculty - Workday Process Overview


titlePAR process

Research faculty PAR process

Before beginning, carefully review EVPP: Hiring Research Faculty.

Note that the expectation is that research faculty positions are 100%, and exceptions are at the discretion of EVPP/VPR.


Appointment dates

Research faculty are 12-month positions and use appointment dates of September 1-August 31. See more on dates associated with different types of faculty positions at COE: Dates for Faculty Employment Changes.

Contract requirements

Active contracts are required for research faculty, as they are for all professional-track faculty. For more information on professional-track contracts, see COE: Contracts - Professional-Track Faculty. For guidance on the administrative processes required to manage contracts, see COE: Managing Professional Track Faculty in Workday.

PI (Principal Investigator) eligibility

Research faculty are granted automatic PI status. See Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility Administrative Procedures for more information.

Pre-review requirement for Research Professor rank

For prospective hires at the rank of Research Professor, pre-approval is required from EVPP, following the process described below. For more on titles and ranks see COE: Titles and Ranks - Professional Track Faculty.


  1. The department chair discusses the case with the Senior Associate Dean.

  2. Department AM submits form "Pre-Review for Tenure" at Faculty Affairs/APS ServiceNow: Complete Forms.

    1. Upload the following documentation to the request:

      1. Current CV for the candidate

      2. Brief description of the recruitment/identification/finalist process and rationale for selecting this finalist above others

      3. EEO report from Interfolio 

    2. In the section "Required Approval Routing," add the following:

      1. Dean's Staff: Karla A Steffen (steffek). This field is required in COE.

      2. Dean or Dean Designate: Beth Maloch (malochb)

  3. If the request is approved by both the Senior Associate Dean and EVPP, print the approval notification email to PDF, and include in the supplementary documentation of the PAR packet.

Research faculty PARs

See also:


Research Professor rank

For prospective hires at the rank of Research Professor, pre-approval is required from EVPP.


This approval must be granted before the PAR can be approved. See Pre-review requirement for Research Professor rank on this page.


PAR process

Responsible party





Before beginning, the department should determine the most appropriate track and rank for the prospective faculty member, based on their education level and experience. See EVPP: Research Faculty Titles. Contact with questions.


If faculty member will be hired to the rank of Research Professor, EVPP pre-approval is required before proceeding





Do not proceed until EVPP approval has been confirmed.


If approved, include documentation of pre-approval in the PAR packet.


Complete recruiting or posting exemption request as appropriate.


Process a faculty job requisition in Workday, ensuring there are sufficient openings for the hire.


a) Process


FPR in DEFINE. See COE: PAR - T/TT Electronic Document Processing Guide

b) Collect all required supplementary documentation listed



FPR (DEFINE PAR document) forward to COE Faculty Affairs.

b) Forward completed but unsigned PAR packet as a single PDF to PAR packet should include all documentation listed on the tab "PAR documentation checklist" on this page, in the order described.


If financial commitments beyond academic salary (example: relocation) are included in the PAR/offer letter, cc the department accountant/Cost Center Manager.

COE Faculty Affairs





FPR and PAR packet review. 

b) PAR routed for signatures in DocuSign.



After PAR is fully-signed in DocuSign, FPN is approved and approval notes are added in DEFINE.

Final approval of professional-track PARs is at the College level. All offers are contingent upon the approval of the Dean.



COE Faculty Affairs emails copy of approved PAR packet to the department Administrative Manager.




Upon receipt of the fully-signed PAR packet, the department may send an offer letter to the candidate.

Note that all PAR information is thoroughly reviewed in the Provost’s Office to ensure compliance, and if errors are found, corrections will still need to be made even if the contract has been signed by the faculty candidate. Research faculty PARs are also reviewed by VPR.



Administrative Manager submits signed PAR packet and signed offer letter to APS via ServiceNow: APS/Faculty Affairs requests help ticket.




APS reviews and accepts PAR and signed offer letter


and pushes the hire to Workday.




The department is responsible for maintaining all research faculty personnel files, including PARs and offer letters.


Required documentation


PAR supplementary documentation

Documentation for hires with previous PARs

Faculty are not hired via Workday. Instead, for new faculty, and former faculty who have been terminated, a PAR must be processed. Once the PAR is final-approved, EVPP loads the appointment into Workday via the PAR. 

Primary Language Determination Form

For a faculty hire with a previous PAR approved, no new language form is required. Submission of the language form with the initial PAR is all that is needed, and supporting documentation status for the language form on any subsequent PARs should be indicated as "On File."

Reference letters

If the faculty candidate has not worked from UT for more than three years, new letters of recommendation are required.

If the PAR is for a new faculty position other than what the faculty candidate is currently assigned or has been assigned in the past, or is for a position in a different unit, three new letters are required.

If the previous PAR is 18 or fewer months old, APS may waive the reference letter requirement on a case-by-case basis. To request a waiver, please submit a request through the Faculty Affairs & Academic Personnel Services Portal, and include the EID, PAR doc ID, and dates of previous reference letters. If the letter requirement is waived, the supporting documentation status for reference letters on the PAR should be marked as "On File," and a copy of APS' approval should be included in the PAR documentation.

Documentation checklists

See EVPP: PAR Process - Supporting Documentation and EVPP: PAR Checklists for more information.


Submit the materials in the appropriate list below after approving the DEFINE FPN document off the creator's desk.  Order materials as listed below, in a single PDF. and send to


Use Green Output to print from DEFINE to PDF.


Include the following:


At least three. Must be signed, and on the referee's employer's letterhead. At least one must be from outside UT. Unsigned letters will not be accepted. The chair of the hiring department cannot be one of the references.

Letters should emphasize previous teaching performance or potential and, if applicable, contributions in other service areas to which the department expects the candidate to contribute in their research faculty role at UT.


If Primary Language is not English, also see Attachments B-D below. 

COE Faculty Affairs can obtain signature on this form during approval routing in DocuSign.


Interfolio EEO report

(If recruiting was not conducted, skip ahead to item 9)


Posting Exemption Request, approved by both Dean and EVPP


Prepared by hiring department. Include a "DRAFT" watermark on all pages. Draft should not be signed.

Commitment paragraph should clearly describe funding plan for the duration of the proposed appointment. Is bridge funding being provided and, if so, by who and for how long? If bridge funding, or candidate’s external funding ends prior to current contract, what is the plan for the candidate’s employment, e.g. Will the department/college provide funding? If planned external funding is interrupted, what is the unit's plan for funding and for the duration of the position?


Use the appropriate EVPP Offer Letter Template, downloaded new each time to ensure the most current version is being used.

IMPORTANT: The draft does NOT represent an offer of employment, and the letter must not be signed by the prospective faculty member until after the PAR has been approved by the Dean's Office. If a draft is shared, it must be clearly communicated that the draft does not represent a final contract, and is contingent upon the Dean's approval.


titleOffer letter

Research faculty offer letters

See EVPP: Offer Letter Templates > Departmentalized CSUs.

Contracts for Research faculty are normally for one year only, but can be longer if determined by the Dean to be in the best interest of the institution.


For supplementary materials required in the PAR packet, see COE: PAR - Supplementary Documentation Checklists > Research Faculty hires.

Offer letters

Contracts for Research faculty are normally for one year only (September 1-August 31), but can be longer if determined by the Dean to be in the best interest of the institution.

Note that every commitment of funding (relocation, early start date, TA/GRA, etc.) must be captured in both the offer letter and Section 2 Funding Commitments of the PAR. For assistance with wording of non-standard offer items not included in the EVPP template, please contact COE Faculty Affairs.

Who writes professional track offer letters?

Offer letters for research faculty hires are drafted by the hiring departments, in collaboration with any joint hiring departments.


 Please contact COE Faculty Affairs with any questions.

Where do I find


offer letter templates?

In order to ensure the most current template is being used, each offer letter should be drafted based on


newly-downloaded template


 for the appropriate hire type based


on the Provost's Office current template at FA/APS ServiceNow Portal > Knowledge (top right corner) > FA/APS Knowledge Articles (top left corner) > Offer Letter Templates > Departmentalized CSUs.

What is the offer letter process?

A draft of the offer letter, including a "DRAFT" watermark on each page, should be included in the PAR packet. The draft offer letter


does not


 represent a promise of employment or any other commitment.

Once the PAR is final-approved by the Dean, COE Faculty Affairs will email the PAR packet signed by the Dean to the department Administrative Manager, indicating that the PAR has been approved. When this email indicating approval has been received, the department can send an offer letter to the candidate. However, all PAR information is thoroughly reviewed in the Provost’s Office to ensure compliance, and if errors are found, corrections will still need to be made even if the contract has been signed by the faculty candidate.

After the offer letter has been signed by the candidate, the Administrative Manager should upload the signed letter to


the same Faculty Affairs &


Academic Personnel Services Portal help ticket on which they submitted the PAR. Once APS has processed the signed offer letter, they will push the hire to Workday.

The department is responsible for maintaining research faculty personnel files, including PARs and offer letters.

Can I share a draft of the offer letter with the candidate prior to PAR final approval?

The department may, if they wish, share


the draft


 with the candidate. It must be clearly indicated via watermark that the copy is a draft, and any associated correspondence must explicitly state that the draft is “pending final modifications and approval of the Dean and Provost.” The draft offer letter should not be signed by anyone, as it does not represent a contract. 


PAR-Workday integration process

Upon final approval of the PAR, the following information is brought over to Workday from the PAR, overwriting the initial data entered on the job requisition:

  • Personal information (name and contact information)

  • Job Details (benefits eligibility, Job Profile, FTE, etc.)

  • Compensation

  • Pay Group (determined pay frequency, e.g., monthly)

  • Education

  • Academic Appointment


Professional Track Faculty Employment Lifecycle

Source: Academic Worker Life Cycle Flow.pptx


Closing the position

Immediately after the conclusion of a faculty search and/or once the posting is no longer needed, be sure to close the Interfolio position (archive) and indicate an outcome. For searches that did not result in selection of a candidate, add a note about why no selection was made (e.g., cancelled due to lack of funding, position no longer needed, lack of qualified applicants, etc.).

Online training for this step is available at the following links: