Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Create GPC List

About a month before rollover: Create GPC list for new CCYYS which includes new buildings, classrooms, classroom numbers, current capacities/attributes, building hours, partial-control hours, and renovations.
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\1.General Purpose Classrooms\GPC Database Maintenance.docx

Begin Special Reservations Dataset (Short Course)


Spring Semester Rollover-team rotates assigned thirds. First>Second>Third>First
Submit IT Rollover jobgroup when ready ( \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Semester Rollover.docx).
Note job numbers as you submit Semester-long Autosubmits for CCYYS).
Note job numbers as you submit (These are logged in the job submission system at ). Check that jobs ran successfully after each 'chunk', or step before submitting the next step or chunk. Can run any time before noon. Check that ran successfully.
Review Rollover Reports. These reports are sent to disk at \\\disk\reg\scheduling. File under applicable CCYYS.



Create new CCYYS Authorizations and Access Dates

\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\New CCYYS Auth & Access.docxCreate new CCYYS_ Authorizations and Access Dates

  • Update NRCRSE and Class Manager authorization dates for Scheduling, departments, and deans for original and chair proof phases of production. Authorization types, dates, and YYSs are stored in **TXTABL (table name NRCRSE) and in *DPUSER. We should authorize ourselves at the beginning of Spring Course Schedule Production for next summer, fall, and spring (so for spring 2014, we authorize ourselves for 136, 139, and 142.) Also update Class Manager access dates into the mainframe *TXTBLS Command E1, Name NRSCHED.)
  • Update *TXTBLS NRTBYYSD for the Room Scheduling System access dates
  • Update *TXTBLS NRSCHED Key E1 or E2 to update CM SCHED,DEAN, & CHAIR access as well as final exam reporting dates
  • Update *TXTBLS NRCSDATE for CSU access and FaSET dates
  • Update *TXTABL NRCRSE for *NRCRSE access to 2 most future CCYYS (dates should match NRSCHED; CH=CHAIR, DE=DEAN, FS=SCHED)
  • Update *DPUSER AALOGONNRCRSE for most recent CCYYS access (dates should match NRSCHED)





See documentation at : Headnote Dataset
In UEDIT, create HEADNYYS the headnote dataset by "including" the most up-to-date information from Spring (for Fall 2014, include Spring 2014 information). This dataset is merged into Advance Copy and must follow CS order for that semester, according to the final re-sequence.


As a precaution, please archive the most current Fall, Spring and Summer Headnotes datasets and let me know where they are stored and what they are named {}before{} we make any new format changes.
We will need to keep certain command lines for the printable copy feature in NRRECS 'LP' screen to continue to work as expected.  ADD NEW FOS in FALL.

Discrepancy - ROLLOVER

See documentation in Discrepancy List folder at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Discrepancy List.docxdocumentation in Discrepancy List folder at Discrepancy
As we work Discrepancy, Leave notes, remove home/relationships, and mark for deletion courses to be deleted and replaced with a course in inventory (including unnumbered topics that have been replaced with numbered topics). We do not oblit before opening Original Phase to departments.


  • Order TXTASK/RGJGSCH3/CSFLSCAN with scan text{*}: .(period) Or you can submit *TXTASK/RGJGSCH3/RGNWSHOR – won't be as complete
    • Search document for: meets*mandat*exam*trip*lab*taught*orienta or holistically review.
    • Remove month, dates, times, days, building and room numbers (on campus) from non-inventory notelines, reinstating and re-cancelling as necessary. Replace with "…" EX: 'Class meets…' 'Mandatory exams…' 'Mandatory orientation…'
    • Leave scheduling production comment in CM requesting new dates. EX: 'Provide/remove dates by end of Chair Phase or section will be deleted' OR 'Provide academic need & meets dates for non-conforming class or section will be deleted at end of Chair Proof Phase.
  • Hours to be arranged \\\disk\reg\Registrar\\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\Working Reports\Hours to be Arranged Report (RGJNHRS).docxarranged 
  • Cancelled classes-remove building & room for GPCs. For cancelled classes remove building and room from all sections separately. Do not ripple. Oblit during rollover
  • Combined TL - <50% GPC: remove building and room. Do not remove from 0% sections. For same-as remove building/room from HOME section and ripple. For multi-section/room share make sure to ripple to all related sections.
  • Sync CL/AE to 12th day enrollment for <50% sections while removing <50% GPC
  • Remove GPCs from partial control rooms
  • Sort All Sections for special program codes and remove GPCs. All Special program code sections should have matching restrictive statement. See \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\How-to (Instructions)\IRREGULAR PROGRAM CODES.docx


Prep Distributed Phase (Final)

\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Prep Distributed Phase (Final).docx

  • Check CM access dates, cross-listings jobs, J3/J4.
  • Update misc data and room caps, synch instructor names. Check discrepant relationships between file 60 and file 431, then resequence unique numbers on file 60. Recheck discrepant relationships between file 60 and 431. Change cancelled courses from D to A.
  • Take snapshot (Original Distributed)
  • Last step is uploading the reports (unpublished to Canvas) and prepping the memo.
  • See Canvas 'sample module' for what reports to post to Canvas: currently including 1) Original Phase Open Memo, 2) Original Distributed Draft, 3) Original Distributed All Sections, 4) Original Distributed Incomplete Sections, 5) Original Distributed Production Comments, 6) Course Inventory, and 7) Courses Added to Inventory.


Turning pages – Original Returned

See checklist and tools:
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\Turning Pages\Turning Pages_tools.docx
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\CSP Checklists.docx


We use the HAL Prep assignment checklist to assign tasks to different members of the team. Current tasks include: running building reports, print priority list, giving WEL building report to PWW, marking up building reports, applying building report notes and changes in Class Manager, checking for closing limit and/or anticipated enrollment problems, checking for option iii classes or short courses requesting GPCs, allocation, with notes, staff eids for XL classes with no instructor or differing instructor, home set for home not found, hours report, J3/J4, partial control requests, remaining production comments, departments requesting GPCs via note, multiple sections with more than 15, and removing building and GPC from cancelled classes.
\\\disk\reg\registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\Manual Scheduling - RTBS\HAL Prep Assignment Checklist.docx
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\Manual Scheduling - RTBS\Updated-RTBS How To.docx

HAL (automated & manual scheduling)


We check for room conflicts and closing limits after automated and manual scheduling. We make any corrections in the room scheduling system before opening up chair phase to departments and deans.