Headnote Dataset
UEDIT Documentation: \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\UEDIT
Step 1: Rollover (Create Dataset & add new fields of study @CCYYS rollover)
Login to the 'ST' mainframe environment using your 'ST' level logon id and password. Open *UEDIT and 'Create' the headnote dataset in RGLibo3 using 'HEADNYYS' nomenclature:
Hit Enter. On the next screen,:
- Must be able to type in mixed case in *UEDIT. If profile not set to this, for mixed case typing, type 'set lower' in the command line before typing anything.
- Type 'include' and the name of the most recent semester's headnote dataset in the command line to prepopulate text. For creation of summer 2015 ('HEADN156'), I would type 'include HEADN152':
Hit Enter and the entire HEADN152 dataset text will be included. Delete 1st blank line & Make changes to the basic info at top regarding semester and date, and save the file by typing 'rsave' in the command line and hitting Enter:
(Effective Spring 2013) Headnote dataset is needed to create the pdf of the Course Schedule (NRNWLP02) and is a merge file written in XICs printer language.
Information includes: Academic unit headers/labels (College/School, Departments, and FOS)
Step 2: Maintain via *UEDIT (Edit/Update, Validate vs 60, Prepare to publish)
- Must be able to type in mixed case in *UEDIT. If profile not set to this, for mixed case typing, type 'set lower' in the command line before typing anything.
General Notes about this Dataset:
We will keep certain command lines for the printable copy feature in NRRECS 'LP' screen (aka Advance Copy rtf) to continue to work as expected. For mixed case letters, type 'set lower' in the command line before typing anything.
Commands are:
· @@x= (aa) start of new (x/college code) college. Looks like this
@@2 /* Start of…
/=comment tag after command. Anything after "/" does not print, does not continue to next line. Example:
@@2 /* Start of…
· <h1>= Header Level 1, used for School/college names
· <h2>= Header Level 2, used for Department names
· <d1>= Data line (ie, text); used for FOS name
<nl>=New line; with text (ie, non-blank line); will use same style as previous tag/line in same paragraph
<br>=blank line/break, inserts new line & resets style
<sk>= skip-do not print/ignore
· ++FOS= include sections with this FOS; this merges sections with that FOS from Course Schedule data on file 60 with the header text in this dataset in the final pdf.
We will continue to update the headnotes in our online pages at http://registrar.utexas.edu/schedules/YYS/regrulesbydept/all.html
How to update/Validate:
- Run Validation job NRNWLP02
*NRRECS, LP command, type CCYYS, "01" starting page, and "Y" for verify headnotes, hit "Enter". Output will go to your green output server location.
- Check Output
General: "Head Dept" column is text/commands in the dataset; "Crs Sched" is actual data on file 60 that program is finding
Anything with an arrow on the left (<===) has a problem and it usually means:
- A FOS does not have any courses on the course file and so it must be marked with a skip <sk>++FOS. Use the "INSERT" key so text is not overlaid
- A FOS does have courses on the course file and needs to be added with ++FOS.
- A brand new FOS with courses are the course file is missing in the Headnote dataset. The Academic Unit Relations table will provide you with the correct FOS abbreviation and its' sort order. Add this new FOS to the Headnote dataset using ++FOS.
In the Example below, we have included "SCI" classes in the Headnote dataset, but none are found on the Course Schedule. The next FOS on the Course Schedule being found is "SED"
- Fix the problem by editing and saving changes to dataset (see #2 above for actions)
- Repeat from #1 until no errors