Prep Distributed Phase (Final)
This is the final step of preparation before we open a new phase to departments
Check CM access dates in *TXTBLS, E2, NRSCHED- \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\New CCYYS Auth & Access.docx
Prep work for Original Phase Distributed
Hours to be arranged, wipe dates, etc.
..\..\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\Original\Original Phase_working.docx
ORIGINAL PHASE ONLY: Oblit Classes marked for Deletion (added 01.17.18 pww)
NRNW029o-Oblit sections marked for deletion.
Select 'Yes' to delete classes marked as 'To Be Deleted'.
Building Reports for GPC buildings (or All Sections if no GPCs involved)
Post deleted classes to Canvas (original returned classes deleted – 2nd file)
Updates (prep XLs)
NRJGCRL1 - Establishes cross-listing relationships on a separate file: creates inventory- same-as and multi-section cross-listings based on classes having same timeline: it only adds new relationships and never deletes or changes existing cross-listings. (Update Input = 'Y'.) Job: NRNWCRL1.
NRNWCRM - Perform updates: Y. Fixes discrepancies in the meets-with fields on File 60 regarding cross-listings.
NRJGCK – Perform updates: Y. Checks NR-CROSS-LISTINGS (File 431) for any records without file 60 entries. If the update switch is selected, it deletes those classes.(NRNWCRM has made this obsolete)
Reports (fix problems, re-run updates above if needed, after)
NRJGCRJ3 (Diff TL Errors) Report of classes still cross-listed but not in same timeline. Job: NRNWCRJ3 NRJGCRJ4 (Missing XL Classes)- Report of classes in same timeline but not cross-listed. Job: NRNWCRJ4
Updates after XLs ready
NRJG0291 - Update: misc data, room caps.
Chair Phase ONLY: Del Proposed Titles
NRJGLDPE - Synch File60 Instructor Names with Payroll or EID System Names. Job: NRNWLDPE.
ORIGINAL PHASE ONLY (NO RESEQ FOR CHAIR) Re-sequencing and reset cancelled switch
Pre-Chk for F60/F431 XL Discrepancies (STOPGAP MEASURE UNTIL XL Discrepancy PROBLEMS ARE FIXED)
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Syncing Discrepant Relationships.docx
NRJGRSEQ – Re-sequence unique numbers on file 60. Load cross-listed uniques from cross-listings file.
Jobs: NRNW0292, NRNW0294, NRNW029C.
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Resequence CS.docx
Post-Chk for F60/F431 XL Discrepancies (STOPGAP MEASURE UNTIL XL Discrepancy PROBLEMS ARE FIXED)
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Syncing Discrepant Relationships.docx
All Phases: NRJGSWCN – Cancelled Course Switch sweep & replace. Perform updates='Y', Value to find='D', New switch value='A'
All phases - Report
NRNW0296— Original Distributed Draft/Chair Distributed Draft. C S snapshot for YYS (posted copy)
Original phase title="OrigDistributed" Chair Proof title="CP Distributed"
Chair Phase ONLY Room Scheduling System
Check that No-Class Days have been blocked out: This is a Short Course Dataset/GPC Database lead staff responsibility. For building and control hours, see the 'No-Class Days' CCYYS tab in the following workbook: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\1.General Purpose Classrooms\GPC Master Lists\Building & Control Hours.xlsx
Chair Phase ONLY Open room scheduling system view access to level IV users.
Post Reports/Memos to Canvas:
Look in Canvas (for internal staff only, Sample Module "Semester Year", Original/Chair Distributed) for what to post.
Additionally, in Fall Original phase, post new color coded calendar, a new priority list, and allocation memo & report.
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