Resequence CS


NRJGCMD - All Sections report. (Always run this before oblit.) Job: NRNWCMD1.
NRJGNOTS: Job NRNWNOTS produces a report of OP notes to depts & depts' notes to OP.
NRJG029o - Oblit classes marked to be deleted. Job: NRNW029o.
NRJGNOTS: (optional) 2nd run if need to capture notes after oblit (to exclude sections marked for deletion from the report). Job NRNWNOTS produces a report of OP notes to depts & depts' notes to OP.
Chair Proof Only: NRJG029P - Delete comments to and/or from depts/deans at 1st Resequence AFTER Final Oblit. (Specify both options.) Job: NRNW029P.
NRJGCRL1 - Establishes cross-listing relationships on a separate file: creates inventory- same-as and multi-section cross-listings based on classes having same timeline: it only adds new relationships and never deletes or changes existing cross-listings. (Update Input = 'Y'.) Job: NRNWCRL1.
NRNWCRM-fix discrepant XLs
NRJG0291 - Update: Misc-Credit values, room caps, Job: NRNW0291.
AFTER Final Oblit, at 1st Resequence prior to Adv Copy ONLY:**Ensure 12th day numbers have been reset. Also reset notes & sws ** \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Ad Hoc Oblit.docx
NRJGLDPE - Synch File60 Instructor Names with Payroll or EID System Names. Job: NRNWLDPE.
NRJGRSEQ - Resequence unique numbers on file 60. Load cross-listed uniques from cross-listings file.
Jobs: NRNW0292, NRNW0294, NRNW029C.
NRJGCRM Post-Chk for F60/F431 XL Discrepancies


PERFORM UNLOAD/RELOAD as documented on server at
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Unload-Reload RSS.docx

Documentation NOTE
A modified version of this Resequence is also in the following documents: