Advance Copy
Step 1: Before running Advance Copy, must complete in the order below:
- Updating Fees
- the HEADNOTE FOS Order: Headnote Dataset
- Re-sequence: Resequence CS (Note: NRJG029P Resequencing without wiping scheduling/dept comments will effect sort order)
Step 2:
Optional: Double check Headnotes FOS Order
Step 2a: Prep (Check for Clumping):
*NRRECS, LP– enter CCYYS, starting page number 01, only print for school '_' (blank), only print head notes field 'N'
Open file in Word and export as a PDF. Check that courses sort and clump correctly, and that the course schedule contains new fields of study (FOS).
Step 2b: Double-check clumping Fixes:
This is an iterative step.
After the first round of proofing and corrections, a re-sequence/unload & reload will be run to apply these corrections.:Resequence CS
We'll run a fresh advance copy to double-check our work.:
*NRRECS, LP– enter CCYYS, starting page number 01, only print for school '_' (blank), only print head notes field 'N'
A final re-sequence/unload & reload will be run right before we publish advance copy to Canvas. (See Step 3) Add a date watermark to published version.
Step 3:
- FINAL Re-sequence and Unload/Reload: Resequence CS
Step 4:
Check {}TXTBLS – Command: E1 Name: NRCSDATE* to confirm the CSU system dates; Compare ISDA12 Open and Close dates in table with dates listed on FaSET website (if IRRIS has published the dates)
Post to Canvas:
Check Canvas for what to post. *NRRECS, LP – enter CCYYS, starting page number 01, "N" in only print head notes field
Delete Dell Medical School from Word file.
Save as an rtf. Add a date watermark and save as pdf. Place in Canvas under the Advance Copy folder. Communicate to departments.
- After Uniques Finalized, ready to announce/begin same day as Advance Copy published:Must do OCS Prep Step 1 after finalizing uniques and announce same day as Advance Copy: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 OCS Prep Jobs (Uniques Finalized).docx
- Special Event Dataset-send confirmations to requestors; give 2 days to review and respond
- Room Scheduling: Prep Priority/Bulk event requests, begin scheduling