The following are the Certificate Authorities registered with the Austin Active Directory and the assocated test domains
Server | Domain | CA Name | DFS Group | Hash | Status | Purpose | Public Server |
ca-root-p01 | austin.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-2016-Prod | AUSTIN-PKI | SHA256 | Production | SHA2 certificates for prod | certificates.austin.utexas.edu |
ca-root-q01 | cds.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-2016-Qual | CDS-PKI | SHA256 | Test | SHA2 certificates for qual | certificates.cds.utexas.edu |
ca-root-t01 | adtest.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-2016-Test | ADTEST-PKI | SHA256 | Test | SHA2 certificates for test | certificates.adtest.utexas.edu |