Certificate Authorities
Current Certificate Authorities
The following are the preferred Certificate Authorities for internal certificates in the respective environments:
Server | Domain | CA Name | DFS Group | Key Length | Hash | Status | Purpose | Public URL |
aad-cart-p01 | n/a | Austin-CA-Root-2022 | n/a | 4096 | SHA384 | Production | offline root CA | certificates.austin.utexas.edu |
aad-case-p01 | austin.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-Prod-2022 | AAD-PKI | 4096 | SHA384 | Production | issuing CA for prod | certificates.austin.utexas.edu |
aad-case-q01 | adqual.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-Qual-2022 | AAD-PKI | 4096 | SHA384 | Qual | issuing CA for qual | certificates.adqual.utexas.edu |
aad-case-t01 | adtest.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-Test-2022 | AAD-PKI | 4096 | SHA384 | Test | issuing CA for test | certificates.adtest.utexas.edu |
Deprecated Certificate AuthoritiesÂ
The following are active Certificate Authorities that are still active but no longer the preferred CA for the respective environment:
Server | Domain | CA Name | DFS Group | Key Length | Hash | Status | Purpose | Public URL |
ca-root-p01 | austin.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-2016-Prod | AUSTIN-PKI | 2048 | SHA256 | Production | SHA2 certificates for prod | certificates.austin.utexas.edu |
ca-root-q01 | cds.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-2016-Qual | CDS-PKI | 2048 | SHA256 | Test | SHA2 certificates for qual | certificates.cds.utexas.edu |
ca-root-t01 | adtest.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-2016-Test | ADTEST-PKI | 2048 | SHA256 | Test | SHA2 certificates for adtest | certificates.adtest.utexas.edu |
ca-root-q02 | adqual.utexas.edu | Austin-CA-2018-Qual | ADQUAL-PKI | 2048 | SHA256 | Qual | SHA2 certificates for adqual | certificates.adqual.utexas.edu |
Retired Certificate AuthoritiesÂ
The following are the Certificate Authorities that are no longer in production use.
Server | Domain | CA Name | DFS Group | Key Length | Hash | Status | Purpose | Public Server |
ca-ext-p01 | austin.utexas.edu | Austin External 2015 | n/a | 2048 | SHA256 | Retired | External SHA2 certificates | self |
ca02 | austin.utexas.edu | austin.utexas.edu External Certificate Authority | n/a | 2048 | SHA1 | Retired | External certificates | self |
ca03 | austin.utexas.edu | Austin Root Certificate Authority | n/a | 2048 | SHA1 | Retired | Root certificate only | self |
ca04 | austin.utexas.edu | Austin Subordinate Certificate Authority | n/a | 2048 | SHA1 | Retired | Issuer for normal certificates | self |
ca05 | austin.utexas.edu | Austin Disk Certificate Authority | n/a | 2048 | SHA1 | Retired | Issuer for Austin Disk client certificates | self |
ca06 | austin.utexas.edu | Austin External Certificate Authority | n/a | 2048 | SHA1 | Retired | External certificates | self |
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