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Before rolling over a semester, check with OP that 1) the Academic Unit relations table has rolled over and 2) that inventory has created NR-COORDINATING-BOARD (file 137) records for the semester. Otherwise, the rollover will NOT pick up inventory changes made to date.
Subject: Creating {CCYYS} CS: Roll Over Course Inventory Check

Hi OP,
We are preparing to create the {CCYYS} Course Schedule.  In order for us to pick up inventory changes made to date when creating a semester, we are checking that the following course inventory steps are in place for this semester:
The academic unit relations table has rolled over  
inventory has created NR-COORDINATING-BOARD (file 137) records

Step 1:
Set Dates and Auths for New Semester
Documented at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\New CCYYS Auth & Access.docxat Create new CCYYS_ Authorizations and Access Dates
*TXTBLS, NRTBYYSD dates must be set prior to rollover

NRNWROVR - Semester classes rollover. No: Skip canceled class & Skip Indiv Inst. Yes: Update file 60 switches & Update flags.
Notify Room Scheduling staff to use GPC List (construction/not available), Building and Control Hours Spreadsheet to block GPC on no-class days:
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\1.General Purpose Classrooms\GPC Master Lists\Building & Control Hours.xlsx (folder)
See special event dataset for reservation numbering: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\2. Production Phases\Original Phase\Short Course Dataset (folder)
Associate and up staff to double-check and 'sign-off' via email.
Mark Cancelled classes for Deletion (NEW added 1.17.18 pww)
NRJGSWCN- Change cancel switch from A to D so cancelled classes will be deleted via the oblit prior to the resequence.( Publish oblit report to Canvas)

Look at Academic Unit Relations File. This file must exist for the semester being created before resequencing. Coordinate this with OP team. Fall: targeted for Aug 1, Spring targeted for Mar 1
Placeholders for new fields of study MUST be in place BEFORE resequencing if courses are set up in inventory. Look at 'What's New' on registrar course schedule website (; search in rolled over semester to see if it was offered. If not offered add placeholders (use topics course if available). If the FOS is not available in CM add new FOS under the dean's office FOS and add 'placeholder for (new fos)'
NRNW029o – Oblit classes marked for deletion (Post to Canvas)
NRNW0292 - Resequencing Step #1/2: Write key file for sort.
NRNW0294 - Resequencing Step #2/2: Sort and update uniques.
NRNW029C - Load cross-listed uniques from cross-listings file.

Post-Processing Updates
NRJGCRSW - Synch File 60 Switches With File 34. Job: NRNWCRSW. (Do not sync files. Run as report only.) NOTE: Check what was changed for SA XLs-any grading modes added or manually removed will impact XLs.
NRJG029P - Delete notes to and from depts/deans. Job: NRNW029P.
NRJG0291 - Update: Update misc data, Reset room capacity, Dels proposed topic, Reset major seats, Reset notes & sws, Reset Seats Taken. Do NOT reset 12th day counts for 296 rptg reasons–12th Day counts are reset on Day 1 after Chair Proof Dist Phase:
Create RSS File for new YYS
ROLLOVER only version of jobs. NRNW0185 resets ALL charts in the RSS, with NO backup workfile. BE VERY CAREFUL with your inputs. Ensure most recent YYS GPC records are up to date and accurate before copying to new YYS.
NRJGRSSR: Room Scheduling System Rollover
NRJGRSSR (Jobs NRNW0183 & NRNW0185): Copy all recs in NR-ROOMS from YYS to YYS. Reset NR-ROOMS in rolled-over semester. Runclass:4 – Student Routing:SCHEDULING.GENERAL
YYS(new): copy most recent previous YYS in system.  Class Days MUST run before No-Class Days. Wait for Class Days to finish before running No-Class Days
Class Days (MUST run BEFORE no-class days)
NRNW0185 –Input: To YYS (Class Days). Example: '162' (semester you are creating)
NRNW0183 Input:  YYS to copy, New YYS (Class Days). Example: '159', '162' (semester you are copying/creating)
No-Class Days (MUST run AFTER class days)
NRNW0185 –Input: To-YYS-1  (No-class Days). Example: '161'
NRNW0183 Input:  From YYS-1, To YYS-1 (No-class Days). Example: '158', '161'
NRJGCRM-fix XL f431 vs f60 meets-with array problems (run with updates)
NRJG0296 – snapshot of cs at rollover Title: CSP copy
NRJGCMD1-All sections (CM submission)
Incomplete Sections (CM submission)
NRJGCK-Fix orphaned XLs (report only-run with no updates) (CRM fixes these)
NRJGCRJ3 - Report of classes still cross-listed but not in same timeline. Job: NRNWCRJ3
NRJGCRJ4 - Report of classes in same timeline but not cross-listed. Job: NRNWCRJ4
NRJG135S - Course Analysis and Enrollment (CAER) Report (Input data is CCYYS7, or CCYYS and number of registration periods + one). Job NRNW135S. !Run for last like CCYYS* *e.g. for 20202 input is 20192!; verify number reg pds via OCS registration page:
[{YYS}/whentoregister]We permanently retain CAER reports: Store permanent copy on server at
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\CAER scanned reports (MUST RETAIN - do not delete).
Also store copy in original distributed to Canvas
NRJG029E - CRIN/Course discrepancies for one semester. Note: Move the key file from job 29E to library (RGLIBo3) and split it if necessary. Name the key file KEYAYYS. Job: NRNW029E
RGNWSCAN (*TXTASK, SCH3)-input: 'CCYYS.'-scan for a period ('.') to get all notelines. Use report to clean up notelines
Discrepancy list jobs: \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Discrepancy List.docx
Discrepancy list documentation:

\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\Discrepancy\



Step 2:
Manual Rollover Processes
Perform Headnote Dataset Rollover, Add new fields of study (documented at

\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\)

Headnote Dataset


Step 3:
Post-Processing Autosubmits
Send email request to IT for autosubmits for this new semester. Template/Documentation at \\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\Semester specific Autosubmit (for SIS)