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Faculty: For most matters, your Department Administrative Manager or Chair should be your first point of contact.

Faculty Centralis the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost (EVPP) information hub for faculty, providing access to University policies, instructional resources, information on promotion and tenure processes, research and funding opportunities, employee benefits, faculty-related announcements, and more. Organizational features of the site include a search function, "Resources" library grouped by categories of information, and a "My Favorites" option for users to curate information for quicker access. Read more about Faculty Central at EVPP: Introducing Faculty Central.

See additional resources for faculty below.

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Faculty: For most matters, your Department Administrative Manager or Chair should be your first point of contact.

Faculty Centralis the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost (EVPP) information hub for faculty, providing access to University policies, instructional resources, information on promotion and tenure processes, research and funding opportunities, employee benefits, faculty-related announcements, and more. Organizational features of the site include a search function, "Resources" library grouped by categories of information, and a "My Favorites" option for users to curate information for quicker access. Read more about Faculty Central at EVPP: Introducing Faculty Central.

The Center for Teaching and Learning’s New Faculty Resources site is another great resource for faculty.

See additional resources below.


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Table of Contents

Human Resources and Payroll

Employee information

View and update your contact and biographical information: HR: Employee HR Self Service.





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University Policies

College Policies

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Professional Development



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Promotion & Tenure

Extension of the probationary period (tenure-track faculty)

Personal circumstances can sometimes keep you from achieving normal levels of productivity during your tenure-track probationary period. Fortunately, you can apply for a probationary period extension. All professional accomplishments achieved during the extension of the tenure track probationary period will be included in your promotion packet, and no distinction is made during the promotion review between those who have and have not had an extension. More information is available at Probationary Period Extensions for Tenure-Track Faculty.

Please talk to your department Administrative Manager for more information. 

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Always talk to your department's administrative staff before:

  • Purchasing something with UT, departmental, grant, or startup funds

  • Hiring anyone, for any amount of time, to do anything

  • Offering payment to anyone for any kind of service 

  • Booking travel for either business or personal reasons when UT classes are in session

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Conflict of Interest policy and training

The policies of the Public Health Service and The University of Texas at Austin on Objectivity in Research (OIR) require completion of Conflict of Interest (CoI) training by all individuals responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research at least every four years. A web-based training module has been implemented and training may be completed at any time. For more information about the training, visit the Office of Research Support's Mandatory Training for Conflict of Interest.

Information about The University of Texas at Austin's Conflict of Interest policy is at the Conflict of Interest page at the Office of Research Support web site.

Other research policies

College resources

University Resources

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Supervising employees

Annual performance appraisals

HOP 5-2310 requires that classified staff and non-faculty professional staff who are appointed 20 hours or more per week for a consecutive 135 days (for example, one long semester) or more receive an annual appraisal.

As a best practice, however, any employee who regularly works and is in an expected-to-continue position warrants receiving an appraisal.

See Who needs to receive a performance appraisal? for more information.


Student employees

Tools for managers

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General information


Syllabus policy

UT faculty are required by House Bill 2504 to post a syllabus for every organized undergraduate course and a current CV for every faculty member teaching an undergraduate course by the 7th class day of each semester. Syllabi and CVs are due to departmental contacts no later than the first class day. View the UT Syllabus Requirements and RecommendationsEVPP: Your Syllabus at UT Austin to see what items are required to be included in the posted syllabi. CV requirements are available in the Provost's HB 2504 Implementation Policy. Submitted syllabi and CVs will be posted to the Access Syllabi and CVs site by the 7th class day.See information on designing an effective syllabus, including an editable template at Faculty Central > Resources > Designing  Your Course

An editable syllabus template is available at Syllabus Template for Modification by Instructors.

Resources for professional development in teaching

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College technology policies

All purchases of computers, Adobe software, and other networked devices must be made through the Information Technology Office (ITO). Please contact your department Administrative Manager and/or procurement staff prior to making any purchase. ITO will purchase, maintain, and manage all computer and mobile-related equipment for the College of Education.  The ITO will manage the life cycles for all computer and mobile-related equipment and replace devices that have met the expected life cycle duration. 

All computers which utilize the College’s computer data network reserved for faculty, staff, and computer labs must be registered with the College of Education Information Technology Office. 

Additional details are available at Policies and Guidelines - College of Education ITO.

College resources

University resources

Apps and programs

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Title IX for faculty

See Title IX Office Home for information, resources, and training related to Title IX.

Mandatory reporter policy - SB 212

All employees of the University are mandatory reporters. Per Mandatory Reporters | Title IX Office (

A mandatory reporter is a UT employee designated by the Title IX Coordinator who is required to report incidents of alleged prohibited conduct under Title IX to the university.This designation applies to all employees in the Title IX Office and all Deputy Title IX Coordinators, as well as certain student employees including, but not limited to, undergraduate and graduate TAs, GAs, GRAs, AIs, RAs, and paid mentors. 

Effective January 1, 2020, Texas Education Code 51.252 mandated that "an employee of a postsecondary educational institution who, in the course and scope of employment, witnesses or receives information regarding the occurrence of an incident that the employee reasonably believes constitutes sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking and is alleged to have been committed by or against a person who was a student enrolled at or an employee of the institution at the time of the incident shall promptly report the incident to the institution’s Title IX coordinator or deputy Title IX coordinator." For more information, please visit our SB 212 FAQs


In addition, SB 212 will create criminal and employment penalties for employees who do not report incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking to a Title IX Coordinator that they have witnessed or received information about. These reporting requirements and penalties went into effect January 1, 2020.

See more at Title IX Office: Mandatory Reporters.

How to file a Title IX report

See Title IX Office: File a Report.


Always talk to your department's administrative staff before booking travel for either business or personal reasons when UT classes are in session.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I'm not sure what an acronym means.

A. Try COE: Acronym Dictionary.

Q. I'm concerned a student may be experiencing distress.

A. The Counselors in Academic Residence (CARE) program provides mental health services in academic offices to facilitate students' academic and life goals. For COE students, see CARE College of Education for more information, including how to contact a counselor. Additional resources: 


Departmental pages

College of Education (COE) information

University information

titleAcademic calendars
titleCampus map: interactive
titleCourse Schedules
titleEVPP: Faculty & Academic Resources
titleEVPP: Faculty Fact Base
titleUT: Faculty & Staff Resources

who was a student enrolled at or an employee of the institution at the time of the incident shall promptly report the incident to the institution’s Title IX coordinator or deputy Title IX coordinator." For more information, please visit our SB 212 FAQs


In addition, SB 212 will create criminal and employment penalties for employees who do not report incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking to a Title IX Coordinator that they have witnessed or received information about. These reporting requirements and penalties went into effect January 1, 2020.

See more at Title IX Office: Mandatory Reporters.

How to file a Title IX report

See Title IX Office: File a Report.

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Always talk to your department's administrative staff before booking travel for either business or personal reasons when UT classes are in session.

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