Master Modeling a front suspension and using VSUSP

  • I will record a video explaining roughly how to use master modeling in this project

instructions to the starter project for new members document link WITH UPDATED COMMENTS:


Screenshot 2024-10-15 162825.png


Screenshot 2024-10-15 162757.png
Examples from my attempt as a freshmen


Parts to use / reference if you want: pull from BILD

22-SUS-003 RearTopBackShockFrameTab-1

22-SUS-011 ShockAbsorberAssembly.SLDASM

Master modeling / skeleton modeling:

  • my examples are uploaded onto BILD under 24-26 startup

  • showing the cross section of plates in one plane (front plane)

  • cross section of the tube and ID/OD (front plane)

  • the plate at the top is on the top plane (perpendicular intersecting plane to the front plane)

Here are examples from mine: