Adding New Scheduled Programs (Registered OR Unregistered)

If you are sure that your program is brand new, follow these steps to configure it for the first time.

Before you create the program, think through these questions

  • Are guests required to pre-register to attend this program?
  • Is this program free?
  • Where will this program take place?
  • What is the maximum capacity of the program?

Steps for adding the program

  1. Go to the Tickets tab and click Add a Scheduled Program
  2. Name your Program (example: Tuesday Talks with Terry)
  3. Select the category (public program, family program, etc.)
  4. Enter the location (or locations, if it takes place in multiple places)
  5. Enter the capacity (the maximum number of people that can attend)
  6. Select the price list
    1. Price Lists to Use
      1. Free Unregistered Program
      2. Free Registered Program
    2. IMPORTANT: Click the Requires Registration box if this is a Registered Program
    3. Hit Save
    4. You can now schedule instances of this program by going to Schedule Program Events, and the basic info will be automatically configured