Scheduling a Degree Recital
When do I sign up for a recital date?
There are two rounds of degree recital scheduling for each semester. The general schedule pattern is listed below:
Portion of semester in which recital will take place | Scheduling Period |
First half of fall semester (end of August to mid-October) | Beginning of May, at the end of the preceding spring semester |
Second half of fall semester (late October through end of fall semester) | First two weeks of the same fall semester |
First half of spring semester (late January to Spring Break) | Beginning of December, at the end of the preceding fall semester |
Second half of spring semester (after Spring Break through end of spring semester) | First two weeks of the same spring semester |
How do I sign up for a recital date?
You will receive an email from with a link to a form announcing each scheduling period. Follow all the instructions in the email in order to have a date assigned for the scheduling period in which you are interested in performing.
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