Anna Battenhouse: Databasing

April 11th lecture on databasing. Below are SQL install instructions. Files for today are below the instructions.

Installing MySQL Community Server

Microsoft Windows
  • Scroll down to the "General Availability (GA) Releases" area.
  • Click "Download" for the 2nd installer (mysql-installer-community-5-6-17.0.msi)
  • Scroll down past the "Login" or "Sign Up" and click on "No thanks, just start my download"
  • Find the download (usually on your Desktop or under Downloads), then run the installer
  • During installation, be sure to create a root password
    • It's a good idea to add a user account with the "DB Admin" role, too
  • Also, download the class zip file to your Desktop and extract it

Mac OS X
  • Scroll down to the "General Availability (GA) Releases" area.
  • Select "Mac OS X" from the "Select Platform" dropdown
  • Identify the correct DMG download (32 or 64 bit, OS X 10.7 or 10.6) and click "Download"
  • Scroll down past the "Login" or "Sign Up" and click on "No thanks, just start my download"
  • Find the download (usually on your Desktop or under Downloads) and open the DMG
  • During installation, be sure to create a root password
  • Follow instructions below for installing the world schema

Ubuntu Linux

Open a Terminal window:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server


sudo apt-get install mysql-client


sudo apt-get install mysql-workbench


Follow instructions below for installing the world schema


Install the world schema (Mac OS X and Linux only)

Download the class .zip file to your Desktop. Open a Terminal window:

cd ~/Desktop


cd BioComp_SQL

gunzip world.sql.gz

mysql –h localhost –u root –p  # prompts for DB password

mysql> create database world;

mysql> use world;

mysql> source world.sql;

...lots of messages...

mysql> show tables;

mysql> exit;

Files for class