SOP - Users, Subjects, and Visitors
- MRI-trained users. These are individuals with ongoing IRB and IRC approved research activities at the IRC. They will undergo extensive training in proper conduct of MRI-related research protocols and procedures at the IRC, with training certified by the Operations Administrator (vide infra).
- Level 1 certified users are trained generally about safe operations in the vicinity of MRI systems. Level 1 training is the minimum requirement for unescorted access to the restricted areas of the IRC.
- Level 2 certified users are individuals with extensive training on the safe use and operation of the MR system for specific forms of research at the IRC. A level 2 certified user must be present to gain access to the magnet room and perform MRI experiments or operations with human subjects. The Operations Administrator must be level 2 certified.
- Subjects. Subjects are individuals participating in research experiments at the IRC. Subjects without other affiliation to the IRC will be escorted by researchers or IRC staff.  Subjects can also themselves be certified users, as described above.
- Visitors. Visitors are individuals with no formal affiliation with the IRC that have a need to access the building for research or educational needs.  Such individuals will be escorted by level 1 or 2 certified users or IRC staff.
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