[WIP] Power Board Redesign Considerations


  • New Power path controller IC (LTC4421). Will hopefully remove the consideration of switching latency that we had previously.

  • Ensure that MOSFET part selection can handle our specifications.

  • LV Enable signal will now be part of BB Power Distribution Unit. In other words, we will need only 1 output compared to the 2 outputs we had previously.

Tentative Timeline:

  1. 9/14 - 9/21: Complete research for LTC4421

  2. By 9/21: Complete preliminary schematic

  3. 9/28: Begin design review, check for correct connections and that all necessary features have been enabled

  4. 9/28- 10/5: Start working on layout, continue design reviews

  5. 11/2: Finish layout (tentatively prep for ordering the board and finalizing BOM)

  6. By 12/7: Start on testing and debugging board once ordered and soldered

Component Selection:

[WIP] Power Board Component Selection

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