
Below is a list of our Teams channels that we use for communication. Please be sure you understand what the purpose of the channels are that you have been added to.

Please ensure you understand the guidelines for communication per this page How to Work Independently and Problem Solve in a Research Lab

In addition to the guidelines above, ensure that messages are not

  • “stream of consciousness”

  • avoid sending several messages when you could prepare one comprehensive clear message

  • as a general rule of thumb, use the channels and not chats for communication to avoid the need to repeat things across channels/groups

  • when possible/applicable, create a thread with a clear header in order to easily track conversations

  • always specifically tag the relevant parties to ensure they have been notified

Because we get a high volume of messages, this approach facilitates streamlined communication

List of Channels (last updated Jul 23, 2024)




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Self explanatory

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